Saturday, January 14, 2006


Hi everyone,

I hope you are all well.  Frank and Dennis are in Israel as of this
writing, and at the end of my note - I am copying the message Dennis sent
before Shabbat.

I will send out a list-serve e-mail tomorrow letting everyone know about
the food we are having this week at Hillel.

Each of you should make sure and be around consistently Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday.  If you have not printed out your new schedule, please do so
and put it on the desk.  Look for any new Jewish students and be prepared
to have a lot of students visiting Hillel.  This always happens at the
beginning of the semester.

Please put on your personal calendars the two big programs we have
scheduled for the second week of school.

Tuesday, January 24 the Vice-Counsel of the Israel Embassy, Andy David, is
coming to speak about "Israel: What the Media Doesn't Tell You."  This is
a major Israel program for us, the first time a Consulate representative
has spoken at Loyola in many years.  Kevin, Anna and Ilya Zharov heard
Andy David at the Israel Advocacy Conference and felt he would be great at
Loyola.  We are sending notice of this throughout campus.

The program is at 4:30 PM in the Hayes Room with an Israeli dinner at 4

You should know that starting the following week, Kevin and Alex Resnikov
have taken the responsibility to lead informal discussions about Israel
and current events Monday and Tuesday afternoons.

Thursday, January 26 is our first "Wanna" of the semester.  "Wanna Hold
'Em?" will take place starting at 6 PM in the room downstairs by the
elevator - officially called the Mundelein Student Lounge.  This will be
an evening of Texas Hold 'Em, Doorak, board games, etc.  There will be a
$5/person charge for the poker, with the money going to the JUF Campaign,
and there will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes.

OK - that's enough for now.  I hope you had a good break.  Last Sunday,
Allen and I were in Memphis for a wedding and, as some of you know, before
the wedding about 100 of us were at Graceland - and it was Elvis'
birthday!  I was a child of the 60's - and had a great time there.

Here is Dennis lovely note:

Subject: Dennis from Israel

Hey Everyone,

I'm writing from Israel!  I just wanted to let you
know that I'm doing well here and that I really miss
everybody.  I've visited dozens of amazing places. I
scuba dived in the red sea, ate tasty meat baguettes
in Jaffa, and floated effortlessly over the dead sea.
I miss all of you terribly!  I just hope to see
everyone soon.  I love you guys and I wish you all a
happy shabbat!

Dennis J Parad

Thursday, January 12, 2006

[Hillel-at-Loyola] Maimonides Leaders Fellowship 2006



Spring Semester 2006 - Monday evenings, 7-9:30 PM - Damen Hall, Room 238

First Session - MONDAY, JANUARY 30

Geared to students with little or no adult formal Jewish education.  Limit 20
participants.  Students will receive a $400 stipend for their investment of
time in this intensive fellowship program and to compensate for not taking a
part-time job.

The Fellowship is open to Jewish students from all Chicagoland campuses,
including DePaul, Loyola, Northwestern University and UIC.  The program will
include classes, trips, and meetings with Jewish leaders.

The commitment is two and a half hours of class every Monday evening, two
Shabbatons and a Sunday trip, which includes graduation, upon completion of the
course.  In addition, students are asked to submit a one or two page journal
(via e-mail) following each class or trip, covering their
reflections and feedback on the program.

A completed application and interview with Rabbi Kahn will be required for
all applicants.

For information about next semster's class:

E-mail Rabbi Zev Kahn, at

To apply online, go to

If you are not available Monday evenings and would still like to
participate in the Maimonides Leaders Fellowship, Rabbi Kahn conducts
another class on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM at Northwestern Hillel.  There
are Loyola students who attend and take the Red Line to get to
Northwestern.  If you are interested, e-mail Rabbi Kahn about this option.
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