Friday, June 15, 2007

Camp Kesem, Steven Spielberg, Principles of Tzedakah, and more!

Hillel Campus Report. Donate Now | Subscribe |
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life June 2007
Camp Kesem Brings Magic to Families Dealing with Cancer
Staffed by college students, Camp Kesem is a free, one-week, sleep-away camp for children who have or had a parent with cancer.  Initially a Stanford University Hillel social justice project, Camp Kesem has spread to 21 campuses across the country. 

(PHOTO: A college student counselor helps a Camp Kesem camper learn to fish.)

• Camp Kesem
Editor's Column
Sophie Okonedo
Steven Spielberg
British Boycott
Minsk Hillel
Hillel Honors Philanthropists
Making a Difference
Seeking Incoming Freshmen
News Bites
School Out, Summer In

When Giving is Magic
As a child I couldn't wait for school to let out and for summer camp to begin.  Lauging and letting loose with my friends, I had not a care in the world.  For children with a sick or dying parent at home, they aren't so care-free.  The Hillel-founded Camp Kesem, now on 21 campuses, provides these children with a much-needed period of joy.  In doing so, the camp brings to life Hillel's mission --  enriching the lives of Jewish students, so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world.

Suzanne Kurtz
Editor, Hillel Campus Report 


A Trifecta of Talent: Sophie Okonedo  
The daughter of a Nigerian father and Jewish mother, Sophie Okoneda, the Academy award-nominated star of Hotel Rwanda, is poised to be Hollywood's next big thing, writes American Jewish Life magazine.

Steven Spielberg: The Private Horrors of Hollywood's Blockbuster King
Steven Spielberg talked to Rolling Stone magazine about what worries him most as a Jew.


Hillel Urges British Union to Rescind Boycott  
Hillel urges the British University and College Union to immediately rescind its recent decision to consider a boycott of contacts and exchanges with Israeli academic institutions.

Minsk Hillel Celebrates 10 Years
More than 200 people from across the former Soviet Union attended the 10th anniversary blow-out celebration of Minsk Hillel.

Hillel Honors Visionary Philanthropists
With record-setting attendance, Hillel honored Charles Bronfman, Lynn Schusterman and Michael Steinhardt with the first-ever Renaissance Award at a gala dinner in New York.

Diplomats Aren't the Only Ones Making a Difference
A University of North Carolina student spent her spring break at the U.N. in Geneva with Jewish students from around the globe trying to inspire diplomats to make a difference.

Hillel Seeks Incoming Freshman!
Do you know graduating high school seniors? Hillel is seeking incoming college freshman to invite to opening events at their local Hillels.  Fill out  the form  and let us know where they are going to college this fall.   

News Bites: What's Been Happening at Hillels this Month
Harvard College's Progressive Jewish Alliance stood in solidarity with a hunger strike... The University of Kansas Hillel was named "Student Organization of the Year"... An Israeli-born, University of Maryland women's basketball guard was drafted by the New York Liberty... Ground was broken for the new Hillel building at Temple University.

College Life 101: School Out, Summer In - Now What?
Summer may be here and classes might be finished, but now's the time for college students to find a job.  Here are five tips for searching and finding  summer employment.

Learn Something Jewish: Tzedakah - What are the Jewish Principles of Giving?
How much is a person supposed to give towards tzedakah? How much is too much?  Who should you give to first?  

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Bonfire this Weekend!

Upcoming Events
June 15, 2007
This Week
Save the Date
Russian Bonfire
Mightier than the Sword
Join Our Mailing List!
Links of the Week

Russian Bonfire is this Sunday! Come out to listen to some guitars, or bring your own and sing some songs. More info below.  
Also, come to the meeting and share your ideas fo Russian Hillel.

Lia, Katya, Misha

Save the Date!
Art Russian Bonfire - Sun. June 17

Russian Hillel Picnic - Sun. Aug 26

Skate With Israel - Sat. Jan 19

Russian Shabbaton - Feb. 22-24

Russian Hillel Meeting!
Come participate, share your ideas, and help us plan. Everything we plan is for you, so your input will only make it better!

Thursday, June 19

Barnes and Noble
in Old Orchard

Russian Bonfire
ArtJoin Russian Hillel to kick-off the summer with your beloved Russian songs! Four guitars (or more if you bring one), dozens of voices and over a hundred friends will create the most beautiful atmosphere in Chicago. All on Lake Michigan!

Bring your musical instruments, blankets and friends to light up the night!

Parking is free at Northwestern Parking Lot.

Sunday, June 17
Northwestern Bonfire Pit

Co-sponsored by
Mightier than the Sword: Defending Israel in the Media
ArtLee Green, Director of CAMERA's National Letter-Writing Group, will be leading a workshop on media bias against Israel, and what you can do to counter it. Learn how to find reliable news sources on Israel, identify biased journalism, put your advocacy into writing, and effectively approach media outlets.
Free drinks will be provided.

Sun June 24
6-8 pm
Tommy Nevin's
1450 Sherman Ave
Evanston, IL 60201

Please RSVP either on Facebook or to Sari Steinberg (phone: 847-677-7868) by June 19th.

Lia Dolinsky
JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern
(312) 673-2357
Katya Shcherbakov
JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern
(312) 673-2385

Misha Zilbermint
Program Director
(312) 673- 2359

Hillels Around Chicago