Saturday, December 17, 2005

[Hillel-at-Loyola] Mazal Tov and L'hitraot!


As finals are ending, we want to wish a Mazal Tov to Katya Bayer, Hillel's
president last year, and Alexei Dolgin, Hillel Board Member on their
graduation this semester!

We also want to wish a L'hitraot (Hebrew for Bon Voyage!) to the Loyola
students traveling to Israel this winter on Hillel trips:

Frank Elterman, Inna Glatman, Masha Izakson, David Konstant, Jennie Lev,
Dennis Parad, Anna Rozman, Annie Shapiro, Melissa Suran, Hadleigh Vining,
Brittany Wagner, and Lisette Zaid.

Happy Chanukkah! to everyone and watch for special listserve messages over
Winter Break.
Hillel-list mailing list

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Schedules and first week of school

Schedules and first week of school

All Board members should make sure their new schedules are put on Patti's desk
so we can plan the first Board meeting for second semester.  We decided that we
would have food the first week of school.  We will have bagels on Tuesday,
falafel on Wednesday, and pizza on Thursday.

Have a wonderful break.


Some Dates to remember

Calendar dates to remember:

Social Committee
Thursday, January 26 - "CARDS and S'MORES" - Poker, doorak and other games.
Saturday, January 28 - "SKATE for ISRAEL"
Saturday, February 11 - "COMEDY SPORTZ"
Wednesday, February 22 - "SAMMAH HOOKAH BAR"
Wednesday, March 15 - "PURIM MASQUERADE PARTY" (with Judaica Committee)

Judaica Committee
Monday, January 30 - "THE TEN PLAGUES" - Rabbi Zev Drutman
Friday, February 3 - "CHINESE SHABBAT DINNER"
Monday, February 13 -"TU B'SHVAT TABLE" - 10-2 in CFSU
Friday, February 17 -"SHABBAT SERVICE and DELI DINNER"
Monday, February 27 -"THE MEANING OF PURIM" - Rabbi Zev Drutman
Wednesday, March 1 -"PRE-PURIM JEWELRY MAKING"
Monday, March 27 -"THE MEANING OF PASSOVER" - Rabbi Zev Drutman
Wednesday, April 5 -"SEDER WORKSHOP"
Wednesday, April 12 -"HILLEL FIRST SEDER"

Israel/Political Action Committee
Tuesday, January 24 -"ISRAEL UPDATE" - Andy David, Vice Israeli Counsel
Monday, March 20 - Friday, March 24 -"ISRAEL WEEK"
Mondays - Israel-related topics in the news will be discussed by Alex Reznikov
from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and Kevin Gafni from 3-4 pm.
Film Series - Israeli or Jewish-themed films will be shown throughout the
semester either on a Monday at 7pm or a Tuesday at 4:30pm.

Volunteer and Communication Committees will meet over break.

Great Interview on Yiddish

To all Hillelians;
Here's a great interview from NPR on kvetching, complaining and cursing in Yiddish:


We want to wish a Mazal Tov and Happy Graduation to Katya and Alex on
their graduation!  Hillel will not be the same without them, and hopefully
they will not be strangers to Hillel.

We send them our love.


Monday, December 12, 2005



The new design for our Hillel hoodie is simply the word "Loyola" spelled
out in Hebrew and underneath in English the phrase "Hillel at Loyola."

The hoodie will be navy blue with white letters, and it will be a hoodie
without a zipper.  Each hoodie will cost $25.

To order one that will be here at the beginning of the semester either
sign up in Hillel or send an e-mail to Patti Ray at .  Please
indicate the size - S, M, L, XL, XXL.

You will pay for your hoodie when you pick it up in January.

Good luck on your exams.

Hillel-list mailing list


University Ministry is having its annual first semester party for students
tomorrow night from 8-10 PM.  We are having our Birthright Orientation
from 6-8 PM in the Hayes Room that some of you are involved in.

The Ministry Party is on the First Floor in the Student Lounge.  They will
have really good food, including our kosher pizzas, as well as music, etc.
It would be great if those of you who will be on campus can stop by, so
they see Hillel faces at the party.

I will also come downstairs after our Birthright Meeting.
