Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Abusive Jewish Dating Relationships



Hillel at Loyola and SAAG (Sexual Assault Awareness Group) invite you to
a very special program as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Week.

We will screen the video "WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVE...." and then have a
discussion about abusive relationships in the Jewish community and
gender/power dating relationships in general.

The discussion will be led by staff members of the Response Center.

We will also be serving a pizza lunch.
Hillel-list mailing list





A new tour begins every half-hour.  The entrance is through the Coffey
Hall back door near Madonna Della Strada Chapel.

"Deconstruction Zone" - a diversity awareness project co-sponsored by
groups across the campus - is designed to fight ignorance and racism
through education.  Participants move through a series of scenes
pertaining to different kinds of oppression.  The Coffey Hall Basement has
been totally redecorated and reconfigured for this project.

You should make every effort to "dare to enter the Deconstruction Zone."


Hillel at Loyola's scene for "Deconstruction Zone" is entitled
"Anti-Semitism Then and Now" and is the first space students walk through
once they enter.  We need 3 students/hour to staff our scene and help
guide people through it.

If you and/or your friends would like to help be a guide, please sign up
for at least one 1-hour shift during the 3 days.  If you could do more than one
day, that would be great!  The sign-up sheet is on the Hillel bulletin

Hillel-list mailing list

Holocaust Memorial Day


As the many e-mails you are receiving make clear, this week after Passover
is a very busy one for Hillel at Loyola.  Included in this week is the
27th of Nisan on the Jewish calendar, the day set aside to commemorate the
6 million Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust, which includes 2 million
Jewish children.  After World War II, the world Jewish community tried to find
a day on which to set this commemoration, and selected the date on the Jewish
calendar that marked the end of the battle of the Warsaw Ghetto, one of the
great examples of Jewish resistance during World War II.

10 AM - 2 PM on TUESDAY, APRIL 25.

We will have the traditional 6 yarhzeit candles, symbolizing the 6
Million, and there will be a display of literature and resources about the
Holocaust.  We will also be showing videos about the Holocaust at the
Commemoration Table.

We hope you can take a few minutes out of your day to stop by the table
and reflect on the victims of the Holocaust - the 6 Million Jews and the 6
Million others who perished.
Hillel-list mailing list

Hillel Elections


The Hillel Board for 2006-2007 will be decided by THURSDAY, MAY 4 at 6 PM.

There is a new structure for this year's Board, which is explained below:


For those interested in running for one of the 4 positions on the Hillel
Executive Board - President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer -

Sign up in the Hillel Office and put up an 8 1/2 x 11" platform on the
kitchen wall by Thursday, April 27, 2006.  There will be a designated
space for platforms.

There is voting ONLY for these 4 positions.  Voting will be in Hillel on
Wednesday and Thursday, May 3 & 4.  Those on the Hillel listserve are
eligible to vote.  Votes will be counted at 6 PM on May 4.

If you are running in a contested election, you must sign up for a
Committee Chair as well.  Since those people will have already prepared
a platform, they do not have to write an additional paragraph for the
Committee Chair position they select.


This year there will be only 2 chairpersons for each of the 6 Hillel Board
Committees.  The HILLEL BOARD will be composed of the 4 Executive Board
Members and the 12 Committee Chairs.

The Board Committees are: Social, Judaica, Political Action/Israel,
Communication, Citywide Representatives, Volunteer.

If you are interested in being one of the 2 Chairpersons for a Hillel
Committee, sign up in the Hillel Office and turn in to Patti Ray by
TUESDAY, MAY 2 a 1-2 paragraph statement of your reasons for wanting this
position.  The current Executive Board will select the Committee Chairs,
and they will be announced after the votes are counted for the elections.

In addition to the Chairpersons, each of the Hillel Committees obviously
need committee members.  Even though these are not Board positions, we
encourage you to sign up to be on one or more of the Hillel Committees.
It is the Hillel Committees that organize the programs that Hillel sponsors.
Hillel-list mailing list

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Pesach from Hillel: Event's for April 17th to 23rd

HAC logo
In this issue...
  • Interfaith Mock Passover Seder
  • Shabbat at DePaul
  • Laser Tag
  • Columbia Final Soiree & Board Elections
  • Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Rememberance Day)
  • Yom Hashoah at Oakton
  • Roosevelt Elections
  • Final Dishing of the Year

  • Cool Links
    This Week at Hillel
    Check it Out...
    April 2006


    Chag Pesach Sameach! We all hope you have enough matzah to eat this week! Check out what's happening on campus in the next few weeks. We know you can't wait 'till the end of the year but we want to make sure you have tons of fun with Hillel in the upcoming weeks!

    Just a reminder: Hillel will be closed Wednesday and Thursday for Passover.


    Interfaith Mock Passover Seder
    DePaul University

    Join Hillel and the Vincent and Louise House as we share the Passover seder. We'll be answering all the questions and explaining all the traditions.

    • Tuesday April 18th
    • 6:00p.m.
    • Vincent and Louise House at DePaul
    • 1022 W. Belden

    E-mail Emily for more info

    Shabbat at DePaul
    come relax with us...

    Rejuvinate your soul with Hillel! Come join us as we celebrate Shabbat together.

    • Friday April 21st
    • 6:30p.m.
    • Room 313 Student Center
    • 2250 N. Sheffield

    Contact Brian for more info

    Laser Tag
    Campus Campaign

    Laser Quest combines the classic games of tag and hide & seek with a high-tech twist. Donning the most sophisticated laser tag equipment available, the game is played in a large, multi-level arena featuring specialty lighting, swirling fog and heart-pounding music. What could be better? Hang out with your friends and enjoy an awesome Saturday night! Sponsored by Oakton and Northeastern Hillels.

    • Saturday April 22nd
    • Time: 10:00p.m.- 12:00a.m.
    • 4167 N. Harlem Ave.
    • Norridge, IL 60706
    • Cost: $10 for non-NEIU or Oakton students

    Contact Emily for more info

    Columbia Final Soiree & Board Elections
    now's your chance to get involved

    Wanted to get involved with Hillel this year, but didn't think you had time? Well, here's your chance to make a difference on campus for next year. We'll be having our final party and board elections for the next academic year. Throw your name in the hat and see what happens!

    • Monday April 24th
    • 731 S. Plymouth Ct. 1st Floor lounge
    • 6:30-8:30p.m.

    If you need any information about what being on the Hillel board entails then contact Rachel at columbiahillel@yahoo.com

    E-mail Rachel

    Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Rememberance Day)
    at Roosevelt University

    We will hear the story of Dr. Andrew Loew who still practices pediatrics in Flossmoor 2-3 days per week. He was born June 28, 1922 in Stanislawow, Poland (now, Ivano-Frankusk, Ukraine). The city was occupied by the Russians from September 1939 until 1941 when the Germans took over and established a ghetto from which Andy managed to escape in late 1942. He survived in Warsaw, living as a Christian and in the fall of 1944, he fought, as a captain, with the Polish Underground during the uprising which lasted about three months.
    After the war, he attended medical school in Munich.

    sponsored by Hillels Around Chicago Multi-Campus Center, GAP and jconnect, The School of Liberal Studies, and The Mansfield Institute, Roosevelt University

    • Tuesday April 25th
    • Gage Gallery
    • 18 S. Michigan Ave
    • 1st Floor
    • 6:00p.m.
    • FREE

    Questions? Contact Emily

    Yom Hashoah at Oakton
    Never Forget

    Shoah is the Hebrew word used to define the murder of six million Jews from 1933-1945. Yom Hashoah is a day to remember. Joins us for this special dual campus event, which will be marked by an introduction to the subject, recollections of Holocaust survivors, and a moment of silence.

    Ida Kurtz: will speak at the DesPlains Campus. Ida Paluch was born May 1939, in Sosnowiec, Poland. Soon after the German invasion Ida, her twin brother and her older sister were put into the Sosnowiec ghetto.
    Morris Goldner will speak at the Ray Hartstein Campus in Skokie. As a Jewish teenager (16 years old) Moniek (Morris) Goldner joined forces with hardened Polish criminal Jan Kopec to survive in Nazi- occupied Poland. Always looking for her twin brother, she was reunited with him on April 28, 1995 after 52 years apart.

    • Des Plaines Campus Room 1607
    • Skokie Campus Room C212
    • Tuesday Oct. 25th
    • 11:00a.m.-12:15p.m.

    Contact Emily for more info

    Roosevelt Elections
    get involved...

    Want to be part of Roosevelt Hillel next year? Here's your chance to get involved and make a difference on campus. Even if you don't want to be on the board, come to the meeting and help us decide. If you need any more information about what being a board member entails just ask Emily.

    • Tuesday April 25th
    • 5:00p.m.
    • Auditorium Building Room: TBD

    E-mail Emily

    Final Dishing of the Year
    don't miss the last one...

    Come on out for the final Dishing with Rabbi Drutman this year. Hang out with your friends and have an awesome dinner! Don't miss out...

    • Wed. April 26th
    • Ken's Diner 3353 W. Dempster
    • 6:00p.m.

    Contact David for more info

  • Hillels Around Chicago
  • Hillel International
  • Jewish United Fund
  • About Us
    Hillels Around Chicago: Multi-Campus Center, a partner in serving our community is supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
    email: hac@juf.org
    phone: 312-673-2350