Wednesday, December 07, 2005

[This Shabbat!] Orthodox Shabbat on Campus


This Shabbat, December 9-10, Congregation Beth Sholom of Rogers Park, is
hosting a Modern Orthodox Shabbaton in the Shoreline Towers Party Room at
6301 Sheridan Road with Rabbi Ira Bedzow.

Below is the announcement about the "East Rogers Park Community Shabbat."
Beth Sholom was the beautiful synagogue at Pratt and Sheridan that is
currently unusable but is hopefully being rebuilt as a smaller synagogue
on the first floor of what will be a condo develpment on that land.  That
process is going to take several years.  In the meantime, the Board of the
synagogue hopes to host community programs to encourage community building
during the time of the synagogue reconstruction.

Beth Sholom has retained a young, Orthodox rabbi who is currently in
Chicago going to graduate school at the University of Chicago.  The
President of the Beth Sholom Board lives in the 6301 N. Sheridan
building, and the plan is to host shabbatons open to the entire Jewish
community of East Rogers Park about once a month.

Since Loyola is right in the neighborhood, the Board is very interested in
having Loyola students join their programs.  The Shabbat weekend includes
Friday night services and dinner and Shabbat morning services and lunch.
As the announcement makes clear, you do not need to go to both, and for
Loyola students and their friends, there is no charge.  Hillel is
subsidizing anyone who would like to experience this Shabbat.  If you
register for the Shabbaton, please explain that you are from Loyola, then
you will not be expected to pay the $10.

Since Hillel at Loyola does not offer regular Shabbat services of any
denomination, this is a wonderful opportunity to experience a Modern
Orthodox Shabbat.  If you do not live in the neighborhood and would like
accommodations, please indicate that when you register.

Here is the formal announcement:

The weekend of December 9th and 10th Congregation Beth Sholom of Rogers
Park is hosting an exciting event in East Rogers Park.  Rabbi Ira
Bedzow will be leading a community Shabbat with services, food, and
social programs.  Friday night services are at 6:00 pm, with a kosher
dinner at 7:00 pm.  Saturday morning services start a 9:30 am, with
lunch and social programs to follow.  Come either day or both, whatever
you desire.

The address for the event is:
6301 North Sheridan Road, 2nd floor party room
Chicago, IL  60660

For more information or to register for the Shabbat weekend, please
contact Nancy Komessar at (312) 822-6128 or visit

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