Saturday, December 17, 2005

[Hillel-at-Loyola] Mazal Tov and L'hitraot!


As finals are ending, we want to wish a Mazal Tov to Katya Bayer, Hillel's
president last year, and Alexei Dolgin, Hillel Board Member on their
graduation this semester!

We also want to wish a L'hitraot (Hebrew for Bon Voyage!) to the Loyola
students traveling to Israel this winter on Hillel trips:

Frank Elterman, Inna Glatman, Masha Izakson, David Konstant, Jennie Lev,
Dennis Parad, Anna Rozman, Annie Shapiro, Melissa Suran, Hadleigh Vining,
Brittany Wagner, and Lisette Zaid.

Happy Chanukkah! to everyone and watch for special listserve messages over
Winter Break.
Hillel-list mailing list

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