Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ann Coulter to Visit Loyola Campus?!

To the Hillel listserve:

Many of the University Ministry organizations are forwarding the
following petition to their listserves.  Please read this carefully.

Hi. My name is David Xu and I am a senator of the
Loyola Unified Student Government. As you probably
know, Ann Coulter has been invited by the College
Republicans to speak here at LUC. A few senators and I
have concluded that Ann Coulter's attitudes towards
many sensitive issues are not in accordence with the
Jesuit, Catholic tradition and does not serve any
purpose except to promote hatred amongst the students.
Thus we have drafted an resolution to advise the
College Republicans to withdraw their invitation and
find another, more approporate speaker. This event is
funded by the Student Activity Fund, to which every
LUC student contributes. It is extremely inapproporate
to use the students' money to invite a speaker whose
attitude will insult more then half of the students
here at LUC. therefore I wish to call up on your
organization to support our resolution by signning a
petition online at:

Your support would be highly appreciated. If you wish
to show further support for the resolution, please
come to the next USG meeting at Bremer Lunge in CFSU
on Tuesday 1/28/06 at 3:30pm.

Thank you

Hillel-list mailing list

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