Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Calling All Artists

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Calling All Artists
Show Your Work with Hillel

Do you paint, draw, sculpt, design, photograph, perform, make videos, write, or do anything else that falls into the creative self-expression category? If your answer is yes, then we want YOUR artwork!

Hillel is inviting all artists to submit a piece in any medium to be displayed at our Gallery event April 8th. Please send digital pictures of any submissions to Emily at emilybriskman@ju or mail any slides to Hillels Around Chicago 1 S. Franklin St. Suite 216-600 Chicago, IL 60606. All submissions must be received by Wed. March 1st.

If you have any questions please call Emily at 312- 673-2350 or e-mail emilybriskman@ju

Hillels Around Chicago

phone: 312-673-2350

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