Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hillel Elections


The Hillel Board for 2006-2007 will be decided by THURSDAY, MAY 4 at 6 PM.

There is a new structure for this year's Board, which is explained below:


For those interested in running for one of the 4 positions on the Hillel
Executive Board - President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer -

Sign up in the Hillel Office and put up an 8 1/2 x 11" platform on the
kitchen wall by Thursday, April 27, 2006.  There will be a designated
space for platforms.

There is voting ONLY for these 4 positions.  Voting will be in Hillel on
Wednesday and Thursday, May 3 & 4.  Those on the Hillel listserve are
eligible to vote.  Votes will be counted at 6 PM on May 4.

If you are running in a contested election, you must sign up for a
Committee Chair as well.  Since those people will have already prepared
a platform, they do not have to write an additional paragraph for the
Committee Chair position they select.


This year there will be only 2 chairpersons for each of the 6 Hillel Board
Committees.  The HILLEL BOARD will be composed of the 4 Executive Board
Members and the 12 Committee Chairs.

The Board Committees are: Social, Judaica, Political Action/Israel,
Communication, Citywide Representatives, Volunteer.

If you are interested in being one of the 2 Chairpersons for a Hillel
Committee, sign up in the Hillel Office and turn in to Patti Ray by
TUESDAY, MAY 2 a 1-2 paragraph statement of your reasons for wanting this
position.  The current Executive Board will select the Committee Chairs,
and they will be announced after the votes are counted for the elections.

In addition to the Chairpersons, each of the Hillel Committees obviously
need committee members.  Even though these are not Board positions, we
encourage you to sign up to be on one or more of the Hillel Committees.
It is the Hillel Committees that organize the programs that Hillel sponsors.
Hillel-list mailing list

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