Monday, October 16, 2006

This Week at Hillel

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In this issue...
  • Cookies and Coffee in Hillel
  • NEIU Meeting
  • Shabbat Services
  • Indian Jews

  • This Week at Hillel
    Check It Out...
    October 2006


    We've made it through the holidays and now that we've all eaten enough we can move onto new things! Check out what's coming up.

    Hillels Around Chicago

    Cookies and Coffee in Hillel

    We've got a ton of awesome sweets for you! Stop by Hillel and grab some cookies and a cup o' joe on your way to class!

    • Mon. Oct. 16th
    • 10-5
    • Hillel Room 340

    NEIU Meeting
    what's up this month?

    Stop by the NEIU Hillel meeting and check out what we've got going on this month. If you've never been to a Hillel meeting before come on by and see how you like it!

    • Tues. Oct. 17th
    • CLS3094
    • 1:40-2:30

    Contact David for more info

    Shabbat Services
    this Friday

    After a long week of midterms, classes and stress you'll need a shot of Shabbat! Come to Hillel this Friday and get a spiritual pick-me-up.

    • Friday Oct. 20th
    • 6:00p.m.
    • DePaul Hillel Room 340
    • 2250 N. Sheffield

    Contact Brian for more info

    Indian Jews
    did you know they existed?

    We bet you didn�t know that Jews have been in India for over 2,000 years! They look like every other Indian, wear Saris, act in Bollywood films, and win Miss India contests. Come meet an Indian Jew, and listen to his life of being a Jew in India, an Indian in Israel, and an Indian Jew in America.

    • Mon. Oct. 23rd
    • 5:30p.m.
    • DePaul Hillel Room 340
    • 2250 N. Sheffield

    Contact Beth for more info

  • Hillels Around Chicago
  • JUF/Federation
  • Hillel International
  • About Us
    Hillels Around Chicago: Multi-Campus Center, a partner in serving our community is supported by The Hillels of Illinois, the Jewish United Fund/ Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
    phone: 312-673-2352


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