Monday, November 06, 2006

Fwd: This Week at Hillel

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In this issue...
  • Yitzhak Rabin: Analysis of Israel's Military and Political Leader
  • Barbie: Member of the Tribe
  • DePaul Study Abroad in Israel
  • UIC/KOACH Shabbaton
  • NEIU International Day
  • The Hebrew Hammer
  • Hit the Sand at Northbeach
  • Spring Break in Ukraine

  • This Week at Hillel
    Check It Out...
    November 2006


    This week there's a little something for everyone. We've got Israel programs, movies, parties and more... Just read below and fill that calendar with Hillel.

    Hillels Around Chicago

    Yitzhak Rabin: Analysis of Israel's Military and Political Leader
    Featuring: Professor Yoav Gelber

    Like few leaders anywhere, Yitzhak Rabin excelled in both military and civilian leadership. After playing a key role in uniting rival security forces, General Rabin built the strategic model that enabled Israelis to protect their re-born homeland from repeated attack. As a civilian leader, Prime Minister Rabin implemented the strategy that led to historically bold efforts to lift Israelis and their neighbors out of conflict and onto a path toward peace.

    • Tues. Nov. 7th
    • 12:00 p.m.
    • 5th Floor Millenium Park Room
    • Chicago Cultural Center
    • 78 East Washington St.

    Israeli Consulate website

    Barbie: Member of the Tribe
    a film in under 18 minutes

    What can the most successful doll on the planet show us about being Jewish today? By tracing Barbie's history David Chack, Dir. of Special Projects for Hillel, will shed light on what it means to be an American Jew in the 21st Century.

    • Thurs. Nov. 9th
    • 6:00p.m.
    • DePaul Hillel Room 340
    • Student Center 2250 N. Sheffield Ave

    Contact Emily for more info

    DePaul Study Abroad in Israel

    Want to study abroad in Israel but don't know how? We've got the study abroad office at Hillel and tons of information about schools and programs. Come get the info you need. We'll have a free lunch for you too!

    E-mail Beth for more info

    UIC/KOACH Shabbaton

    It's almost time for the Koach Shabbaton with our special guest, Yoni Warren, rabbinical student at JTS. Dinner, lunch, discussion, good times, havdallah service, followed by a Saturday night trip to Second City!

    Friday night: services begin at 5:30, dinner at 6:45, and an oneg to follow. Saturday: services begin at 11:00, lunch and discussion, workshops (like improv and yoga) and more!!

    Second City is located at the corner of North & Wells in Chicago's Old Town neighborhood. We will be leaving from the UIC Hillel (924 S Morgan, @ Morgan & Taylor) at 6:30pm and taking the El to the show (street and garage parking also available).

    RSVP to Andrea

    NEIU International Day

    International Day is a time where clubs on campus get togteher and display aspects of some of the many cultures that comprise the NEIU community. Hillel will be there celebrating Jewish culture! Stop by our table and say hello.

    Contact David for more info

    The Hebrew Hammer

    When a psychotic Santa (Andy Dick) tries to destroy Chanukkah by hypnotizing Jewish children with bootlegged copies of the Christmans classis "It's a Wonderful Life," it's up to the Hebrew Hammer to save the day. Together with Mohammed (mario Van Peebles), head of the Kwanzaa Liberation Front, the Hammer takes no prisoners in his quest to hunt down the renegade Santa and make the holiday season safe for all.

    Contact Irwin for more info

    Hit the Sand at Northbeach

    Indoor Beach Volleyball, Dancing, Billiards, Bowling, Basketball, Party Snacks, Soda and Beer for those over 21 all included in the price at this amazing club! Students from schools throughout the Midwest will be there! It's the don't miss party of the year.

    Limited on-street parking and valet parking for $8 North Beach is also Red Line accessible: Take Red Line to North/Clybourn Exit. Walk west 2 blocks on North Ave. to Sheffield. Turn left on Sheffield to North Beach Chicago.

    NorthBeach website

    Spring Break in Ukraine

    The Hillels of Illinois is delighted to offer undergraduate students an exciting program �Student Mission to Ukraine�.

    This year 10 Illinois students will join with students from Kiev Hillel to bring Tzedek (Social Justice) to people with little Jewish experience and fewer resources. Students will volunteer, sing and talk with youth groups and elderly survivors of the Holocaust, kindergarteners and shut-ins, and meet people in communities who never had the opportunity to experience Judaism as children . They will spread the joy of Jewish traditions to Jews in big and small Ukrainian cities and villages.

    In preparing for the �Student Mission to Ukraine�, students will participate in a serious orientation that will enable them to represent the Chicago Jewish Community while they are in Ukraine, and they will also learn about Chicago�s Jewish United Fund and the manner in which the Chicago community responds to the needs of Jews locally, nationally and internationally. While in Kiev the group will visit Babi Yar and important Jewish organizations and sites.

    There is an expectation that �Student Mission to Ukraine� participants will play an active role in the JUF Campus Campaign at their school upon returning from Ukraine.

    The cost to students will be $550 (This will include airfare, lodging, kosher food, fun and many activities while in Ukraine).

    Click Here to Apply
  • Hillels Around Chicago
  • JUF/Federation
  • Hillel International
  • About Us
    Hillels Around Chicago: Multi-Campus Center, a partner in serving our community is supported by The Hillels of Illinois, the Jewish United Fund/ Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
    phone: 312-673-2352

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