Sunday, December 31, 2006

Parshas HaShavua Parashas Vayigash

Parashas Vayigash

What is the Kabbalistic meaning of the word Vayigash?

The Zohar explains that Vayigash means that Judah penetrated Joseph's
innermost depths and thoughts. Buried in Joseph's heart was a plan to
conceal his identity until the appropriate moment when he would reveal
himself to his brothers. However, Judah tied together his appeal and his
argument until he drew forth the secret from Joseph. Then the revelation
burst forth that not only was Yosef still alive, but he was still their
brother, with all the love and devotion, the word 'brother' implies. Now
that the brothers were once again reunited, the task of building Am Yisrael
could now begin.

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