Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Purim Party Tonight and More

Hillels Around Chicago
This Week at Hillel
Check It Out...

In This Issue
Peace Love and Purim Party
The Diary of Anne Frank at the Steppenwolf Theater
YLD Purim Party
What Happens After College?
The Hatikvah Project

A Juried Art/Performance Show with a $500 Cash Prize for First Place




Hatikvah, the national anthem of Israel, means The Hope.  Written in a minor key, one may interpret the music as depressing or mournful.   However, the title indicates, that the song is uplifting.


The challenge is to interpret HATIKVAH artistically and submit original work for T h e H a t I k v a h  P r o j e c t  Multi-Media Art Show.


All media will be judged under these criteria:

  • How the content of the piece fits with the theme
  • Artistic quality and execution
  • Level of creativity.


There will be a grand prize of $500 awarded to the first place winner along with additional prizes for second place and third place winners.


Submission Criteria:

  • Must be student work from any college or post high school art institution
  • A description and slides/video of the work you plan to do
  • What medium it is (what is it made of and how will it be displayed)
  • What requirements will you need in able to show it
  • No food or any "found" unhygienic objects are allowed


Please send a description and slides//video of your submission along with answers to the above criteria by March 26, 2007 to  Final submissions of your completed artwork is due Sunday, April 1 by 5 pm for judges to review.


All artwork submissions will be publicly displayed the week of April 15 at the Hillels Around Chicago artMitzvah fundraiser and art exhibition.   For more information about The Hatikvah Project or artMitzvah please call David Chack at 312-673-2350.

artMITZVAH Benefit Show

artMitzvah is a wonderful opportunity for students to show their art work and benefit the Jewish United Fund/Federation Campaign. Students need to do one of two simple things to enter the show:


Make a monetary gift of $18; or  donate 20% of their proceeds, if they want to sell their work, to JUF/Federation.

What a great way to have your artwork shown and do a mitzvah - CREATIVE TZEDAKAH! We also need volunteers to help install and take down the artwork.

The dates planned for the show are April 15 thorugh April 29, with an opening party with music, food and fun (date to be announced) in the gallery space of the Mercury Caf�,
1505 W Chicago Ave Chicago IL .  Everyone is invited!


**Register by sending the following:


  • Name, address, telephone, and email
  • A description of the work you want to show
  • What medium it is (what is it made of and how will it be displayed)
  • What requirements you will need to show it
  • No food or any "found" unhygienic objects are allowed
  • All submissions will be provisionally accepted but by MOSAIC: Jewish Arts in the Loop reserves the right to not accept items
  • Are you willing to help with the installation and de-installation?

The Coordinator for

artMitzvah will be Sara Shafran, a fantastic artist in her own right and a great person. She is currently a student at the School of the Art Institute, has spent significant time in Israel and is passionate about volunteering and tzedekah.

She will need your help, involvement, energy, connections, and work! Please contact us immediately to enter and benefit other people's lives as well as show your creativity.


**Entries must register by March 26, 2007 to and if you have any questions call David Chack at 312.673.2350.


Please contact us immediately to enter your artwork and show your creativity -- all for a great cause to benefit others.


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I know you've all had an amazing weekend and you're ready to get back into the week with a continuing celebration of Purim!  Check out the Peace Love and Purim Party below-it's going to be a blast!

Peace Love and Purim: Win an IPOD Shuffle
 We've got an awesome Purim event planned for you.  We'll have a gameshow, comedy time, yummy food and friends.  If you show up in a costume (70's theme) you'll be eligible to win an IPOD SHUFFLE!  There will also be other opportunities to win great prizes!  
If you RSVP to Mollie at and bring a friend to the party you'll get a free raffle ticket!   
Mon. March 5th
DePaul Student Center
Hillel Room 340 (note the change in location)2250 N. Sheffield Ave
The Diary of Anne Frank at the Steppenwolf Theater
Steppenwolf Theatre Co.
By Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, adapted by Wendy Kesselman
It's a story the world knows by heart: a young Jewish girl's harrowing account of hiding with her family from the Nazis in a tiny attic in Amsterdam. A striking new adaptation restores deleted passages from the diary, offering us a richer look into this extraordinary young woman's coming of age.
    • Thursday April 12, 2007
    • 7:30p.m.
    • Steppenwolf Theatre Co. the Downstairs Theatre 1650 N. Halsted Street one block north of North Avenue (1650 N / 800W)
    • $15 per ticket ($28 value)

**Tickets can be reserved by paying by credit card over the phone or in person before March 26.

**Only first-come, first-served, and limited availibility to students from: Columbia, DePaul, IIT, Northeastern, Oakton, Roosevelt, Russian Hillel, School of the Art Institute

These tickets are made available by the Gordon Brookstone Cultural Fund. Arnold and Adrienne Brookstone created this fund, in the memory of their son Gordon, because they want to share with Jewish students their love of the arts.

YLD Purim Party and Pre-Gathering

Come mingle with fellow Hillel students and learn about what the Young Leadership Division (YLD) of the JUF has to offer at the YLD/Hillel pre-gathering for the YLD Purim Party

Thursday March 8th
6:30-8:00p.m .
Garrett Ripleys
712 N. Clark St.
After the pre-gathering we will walk over to the Purim Party at Enclave together.

Your RSVP for this pre-gathering is not equivalent to the purchase of a ticket to the YLD Purim Party.

To RSVP, email with the subject Hillel pre-gathering. To register for the Purim party visit, For more information, please contact Lindsay in the YLD office at 312-444-2833.

The Young Leadership Division (YLD) is a dynamic group of people like you (ages 22-40ish) who are committed to building a better Jewish community in Chicago, Israel and throughout the world. YLD offers a variety of educational programs, special interest programs, social events and volunteer opportunities. YLD has programming for singles, couples and families. YLD is part of the Jewish United Fund-Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago ( a.k.a. JUF)

What Happens After College?
I've graduated. Now what?
Do you know someone who has graduated from college and is having a difficult time deciding what they want to do next - further their education or enter into today's complex job market? CareerTracks can help. It is a program that assists young adults in finding answers to the many questions facing them today.
CareerTracks counselors help young adults clarify a career direction; provide job readiness training; provide access to post-secondary educational resources; and discuss a wide range of employment, educational and career related services. Parents who are part of this process receive information on the transition process, learn how to access available resources and develop strategies to help their child succeed.
For more information about CareerTracks contact Nanette Karoll or Leslie Glazer at JVS @ 847-412-4300.
Check out JVS at

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