Monday, July 16, 2007

Moishe House, Amy Winehouse, Tzedek in Uganda and more!

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Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life July 16, 2007
Two Moishe House DC residents prepare for Shabbat dinner. Moishe House.  It's What's After Hillel

What happens to Jewish college students when they graduate and leave their Hillels behind? Moishe Houses are one answer.

Initiated by the Forest Foundation, and the Center for Leadership Initiatives, Moishe Houses are a group of homes throughout the world that serve as centers for young adult Jewish communities.

(PHOTO: Two Moishe House DC residents prepare for Shabbat dinner. )

• Moishe House
Editor's Column
Jennifer Weiner
Amy Winehouse
Hillel and Chabad
Tzedek in Uganda
Hillel Rio Concert
Incoming Freshmen
News Bites
Colleges Rankings
Tisha B'Av

Shabbat In the City
For Jewish twenty somethings like myself, Jewish life after college can seem like an abyss.  Too old for Hillel and too young for most synagogues, we feel there is simply no place to go.

Up until two weeks ago, I was completeley unaware the Moishe House program existed.  Moishe Houses provide a Jewish option for Jewish young adults.  The more I read and talked to people about it, the more I thought it might be the Jewish outlet I have been looking for.  Lucky for me, there is a Moishe House in Washington, D.C. and this Friday, my friend and I plan on attending one of their Shabbat dinners.  I am hoping it proves to be a meaningful Jewish experience for the both of us. 

Aviva Perlman
Acting Editor, Hillel Campus Report

Photo courtesy of Jennifer Weiner. Jennifer Weiner: Chic Lit
At age 37, novelist Jennifer Weiner has five books to her credit.  She has found a niche writing the stories of women who feel like outsiders.

Amy Winehouse: The Diva & Her Demons
British R&B and jazz singer Amy Winehouse spoke to Rolling Stone about fighting her inner demons and just-married life.  

Hillel and Chabad Meet at Shluchim Kinus
Hillel President Wayne L. Firestone and Hillel Executive Vice President Ralph Grunewald recently attended the Chabad Shluchim Kinus to discuss the relationship between Chabad and Hillel.

Toronto Hillel Students Embark on a Tzedek Trip to Uganda and Israel
While Toronto Hillel Social Action Director Devora Schwartz-Waxman has traveled to many places with her students, she hadn't anticipated Uganda.

In the Name of Coexistence, Hillel Rio Holds Mega Music Concert
For the celebration of Israel's 59th Independence Day, Hillel Rio de Janeiro decided to do something a little different from what they had done last year: They invited an Israeli singer to perform with a Brazilian cultural icon.

Hillel Seeks Freshmen!
Do you know graduating high school seniors?  Hillel is seeking incoming college freshman to invite to opening events at their local Hillels.  Fill out the form and let us know where they are going to college this fall.

News Bites:  What's Been Happening at Hillels this Month

Stony Brook Hillel celebrates 40 years on campus...U. of Calif. resolves Jewish holidays conflict...Colorado State Hillel wins award for community-wide Holocaust awareness program..Medical intern Nasser Heyrani explores his Iranian Jewish heritage at the Hillel Jewish Student Center at the University of Cincinnati.

College 101: A Better Way to Rank Colleges?
Following a meeting of the country's top liberal arts schools in the country, a growing number of college presidents have decided to no longer participate in the annual U.S. News and World Report college rankings, instead, developing their own rankings system, reports Time Magazine.

Learn Something Jewish: Tisha B'Av
More than just a day to mourn the destruction of the First and Second Temple, Tisha B'av has become associated with many other tragedies which befell the Jewish people throughout history. 

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