Sunday, August 05, 2007


  August 3, 2007                                         KFAR Jewish Arts Center: Stimulating, promoting and producing the next generation of Jewish expression     

8/19 7pm (6:30 doors):
Rabbinical School Dropouts & Lamajaml @ Empty Bottle

Buy Tickets before August 5 and save $5 off door price


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Last August, Jewish and Lebanese civilians ran for cover as war erupted along Israel's border. One year later, KFAR commemorates by bringing two bands together to show the potential for
peace and a way forward through music.

Lamajamal mixes folk music from the Balkans, Middle East and their own blend of Dick Dale style surf rock. With oud, melodica, guitar, clarinet, dolcimer and loungy saxophone, Lamajamal takes listeners from Beirut to Istanbul to Sofia with all stops in between.

The Rabbinical School Dropouts' owe more to the space fantasies of jazz pioneer Sun-Ra, layering clarinets and trombone over tablas and ever-changing time signatures. The aptly named experiment skims nerd-core and math-rock as performed by Yeshiva rejects, reverse-engineering what Klezmer might have become had its best players survived WWII.

RSDO's third album, Cosmic Tree, was released on MacArthur Genius John Zorn's Tzadik Records and a fourth CD, Vehicles Behind Comets, was self-released.  RSDO keeps a sense of humor, though, naming tunes "Wannabe Maccabee," "Counterfeit Gelt" and "Mystical New Age Hot Dog of the Covenant."

Whimsy aside, both acts advance their respective musical traditions, and by playing together emphasize the commonalities of the two cultures and their ability to exist side by side and enrich each other.


Director's Notes   
Thank you for coming out to the Zohar show at Hothouse.  If you had fun, tell friends! 
Pictures and Press and Video
Hey, in caseyou didn't see, KFAR was in the Chicago Tribune again!  Howard Reich gave a glowing review. Some pictures of the event are online here .  
Quarterly Newsletter
We're getting ready to send out our Quarterly Newsletter.  If you're interested in getting a copy, please  update your mailing address with us so we can send it out to you!
You had fun at Balkan BeatBox or Zohar? Let us know! Email or post comments on KFAR 's website.
Zohar CD's for sale.
We have a few Esta & Zohar CD's for sale on consignment.  If you're interested, email us.
Promoter's Ordinance
The City of Chicago is moving forward with their new law, and we're about to be hit with a $2000 fee.  Thank you to those who stepped up to help get
us over this hurdle, but we're not there yet.  We will be required by law to pay this license fee in order to continue our public programming.   Please donate!
Please, consider a
tax-deductible donation to KFAR Jewish Arts Center.  Contributions at the $36 level and up get a free ticket to the Rabbinical School Dropouts/Lamajamal showThank you in advance for your continued support.

Adam Davis, Director
make tax-deductible checks out to: National Foundation for Jewish Culture, and jot KFAR in the memo
mail to:  KFAR Jewish Arts Center,
3921 N. Janssen #2s, Chicago IL 60613


KFAR Jewish Arts Center is an independent, non-denominational organization presenting contemporary Jewish arts presentations and programs in Chicago that simultaneously enrich and celebrate our culture. KFAR is dedicated to stimulating, promoting and producing the next generation of Jewish expression. Visit our website at

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