Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hillel Pharmacy/Business/Women's Panels


Hillel has 3 important programs this week, each one very different - 2
related to graduate school (pharmacy)/jobs/networking and one related to
domestic abuse in the home.

Following is an
e-mail just related to job opportunites we recieve notices about.  One is
local babysitting, one is computer-related and then there are day camp and
sleep-away summer Jewish camp jobs.

Finally - several dates to keep in mind for the future -

Hillel First Seder - Wednesday evening, April 12 - 6 PM - Mundelein Center
Student Lounge

Deconstruction Zone - April 23-26 - 5-9 PM - Basement of Coffey Hall

Yom Ha Shoah - Holocaust Memorial Day Exhibit - Tuesday, April 25 - 10 AM
- 3 PM - CFSU Lobby

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