Sunday, March 26, 2006

Holocaust Survivor Speaks

Prof. Elliot Lefkovitz, who teaches Loyola's course on the Holocaust,
through our Department of History, asked Hillel to extend an invitation to
our listserve to his class this TUESDAY, MARCH 28 at 10 AM in DUNBACH,
ROOM 12 (downstairs).

The speaker will be Aaron Elster, whom Dr. Lefkovitz says is a "compelling
speaker with an incredible story."

This is an excellent opportunity to meet with a Holocaust survivor.  This
has been a difficult year where media attention has been drawn to everyone
from Arthur Butz to the President of Iran denying the existence of the
Holocaust.  Aaron Elster's visit to Dr. Lefkovitz's class is the only time
this year that a survivor of the Holocaust will speak on campus.

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