Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Important Message to the Hillel Board

To Our Fellow Hillel Board Members,

On Thursday, April 27 Hillel at Loyola will begin its annual campaign for
the Jewish United Fund.  Our JUF Campaign will run until the last day of
school, May 5, 2006.

As you all should know, it is the JUF which provides the basic funding for
our Hillel and the many projects we organize every year, in addition to
the support the JUF gives to Jews worldwide.

We only do a fundraising drive like this once a year, and we think it is
important for the Hillel Board to set an example for the students we will
be contacting. Each of the five of us is making a pledge to donate at
least $50, and we are requesting that every Hillel at Loyola Board Member
pledge to donate at least $18 to the Jewish United Fund.  If anyone is
unable to pledge that amount, we are offering to make up the difference
between the five of us.

18 is the number that represents "chai," life.  If you could donate
"double chai" - $36 - that would be outstanding!  As most of you know,
asking each Board Member to pledge to donate at least $18 has become a
tradition in our Hillel.  Besides setting an example for other students,
our pledges demonstrate our commitment to the JUF for its generosity in
helping to support our Hillel.

Tomorrow we will be sending out an announcement about the Campaign to the
entire Hillel listserve.  The 5 of us will be taking shifts throughout the
Campaign week sitting in Hillel helping students with pledge cards and
making Jewish stars to put on our "Wall of Fame" for those who make a
pledge.  Remember, we are asking for pledges and not for actual
donations during our Campaign Week. Students will receive bills later from
the Jewish United Fund.

Please stop by in the next week to make your pledge of at least $18.  We
look forward to your support.

Thank you very much.


Brett Cohen, Kevin Gafni, Alana Kinarsky, Hadleigh Vining
Lisette Zaid, JUF Campaign Committee Chair

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