Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Trials of War: Israel Update

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August 2006 
 This Week at Hillel: Summer Edition
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It's August already and what a summer it's been. We hope you all are relaxing a little and enjoying yourselves. Many of you have been watching the news and keeping up to date with the Crises in the Middle East. News stories and events can be confusing so we are bringing you a program that will help answer all your questions. Read below to find out all the details.

 The Trials of War
 Israel Update

Glued to CNN? Wondering what's happening? Come share your experiences, feelings, and stories and find out the latest news. Been on birthright israel? Now's your chance to reconnect with your group and get an update on the situation from Wendy Keter, the Israel shlicha aliyah (immigration emissary) and director of the Israel Aliyah Center in the Midwest.
  • Tuesday August 15th
  • 6:00-8:00p.m.
  • Bernard Weinger JCC
  • 300 Revere Dr. Northbrook, IL 60602
  • Dinner provided
Directions: Take the Edens Expressway to Lake Cook Road West After passing over expressway the 2nd stop light is Revere Dr. Take a left on Revere Dr. (street before Northbrook Ct.)Revere dead ends at the JCC

RSVP to Emily 

 Maimonides Fellowship
 Get Paid to Learn!


The goal of the Maimonides Leaders Fellowship is to empower Jewish university students with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of their rich heritage, establishing well educated leaders on campus and in their future communities.

Participants enjoy intriguing discussions led by dynamic local Rabbis, presentations by knowledgeable communal leaders, as well as exciting field trips exploring the highlights of the Jewish community.

Designed to accommodate the busy university schedule, Classes are held one evening a week, the few trips are held on weekends and homework is minimal. A generous stipend is provided to allow participants to focus on the thrill of becoming an educated Jewish leader!

Spaces are limited so we advise you to apply as soon as possible. Questions: Call Rabbi Zev Kahn 773.465.5378

JET � Jewish Education Team, 6519 N. Whipple Street, Chicago, IL 60645 Phone 773-465-5378 Fax 773-465-1775 email


 HAC Contact Info Changes

HAC has made some changes and we want you to know about it:

Michelle Maer (formerly Levine)

Program Director
Emily Briskman

Program Director: Russian Hillel
Misha Zilbermint


Hillels Around Chicago: Multi-Campus Center, a partner in serving our community is supported by The Hillels of Illinois, the Jewish United Fund/ Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

Hillels Around Chicago
Hillels Around Chicago

phone: 312-673-2352


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