Monday, September 11, 2006

Hillel around Chicago

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In this issue...
  • Visit Us on Campus
  • Shabbat at DePaul
  • Heeb Storytelling Chicago
  • DePaul Hillel Grand Opening
  • Time to PARTY! (Check New Time)
  • High Holiday Services at DePaul
  • Get Paid to Learn
  • DePaul Hillel Welcome Back Picnic
  • NEIU Welcome Back Party
  • Dishing

  • Check These Out...


    Taglit birthright-israel

    Registration Opens September 12th


    This Week at Hillel
    Check it Out...
    August 2006


    Hillel has come prepared with lots of new events and services. Chek out what we have planned for you and don't forget to put us down in your planners!


    Taglit: birthright israel registration is just around the corner - if you are between the ages of 18-26 and have never been on an organized, educational trip to Israel you may be eligible for the trip of a lifetime! Registration for this free 10-day trip to Israel opens September 12th.

    For more information on registration, contact Emily at or 773-235-8650. You can also pre-register on Shorashim's website. Look for Taglit- birthrightisrael-Chicago community trip.


    Visit Us on Campus
    Student Organization Fairs

    Stop by and see Emily, Misha or David at the organization fairs.

  • DePaul: (Loop) Sept. 13th
  • Roosevelt: Sept. 20th Check your student activities websites for times and locations.

    For more info on NEIU, Oakton, or DePaul contact Emily at
    ebriskma@depaul. edu or 773-325-8650.
    For more info on Columbia, SAIC or Roosevelt please contact David at or 312-673-2350.
    For more information on IIT or Russian Hillel please contact Misha at mishazilbermint or 312-673-2359.

  • Shabbat at DePaul

    The first Shabbat service of the year has arrived and we hope to see many new faces. Come bring in Shabbat with new friends and old. Never been to services before? That's ok we'll be here to help explain everything.

    • Friday Sept. 15th
    • 6:00 p.m.
    • Hillel room 340 in the Student Center 2250 N. Sheffield
    • Dinner will be served after services

    Contact Brian for more info at

    Heeb Storytelling Chicago

    Heeb's traveling road show hits Chicago, featuring Ray Hanania (journalist, humorist), Kevin Coval (author, Slingshots: A Hip Hop Poetica), Triplette (sketch group,, Idris Goodwin (MC, playwright), Amy Krouse Rosenthal (author, Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life), Rebecca Wiener (editor, Heeb Magazine) and Aaron Freeman (humorist, NPR, HuffingtonPost,

    • Wednesday Sept. 13th
    • 8:00p.m.
    • The Second City etc Theatre 1608 N. Wells St. (Pipers Alley)
    • $5 Suggested Donation

    RSVP to David

    DePaul Hillel Grand Opening

    DePaul Hillel is celebrating the opening of our beautiful space for this academic year. Please commemorate this occasion with us, Father Holtschneider (DePaul's President),University administration, and members of the Jewish community.

    • Wednesday Sept. 13th
    • 4-6p.m.
    • Student Lounge Room 120 (next to Brownstones)
    • 2250 N. Sheffield Ave.

    RSVP to Emily

    Time to PARTY! (Check New Time)
    Welcome Back HAC

    Got the back to school blues? We can solve that! It's time to break out those bowling shoes and take them for a spin at Seven Ten with HAC. Over 21? We've got unlimited wells and beer for just the cost of entry.

    • Thursday Sept. 14th
    • Seven Ten Lounge
    • 2747 N. Lincoln Ave.
    • 7:00-10:00p.m.
    • Under 21-$12
    • Over 21- $15

    RSVP to Emily

    High Holiday Services at DePaul
    Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

    Depaul hillel invites you to worship with us at High Holiday Services
    Students: Please meet us at the Schmidt Academic Center(east side) at 6:15 before evening services and 9:45 for morning services to walk over together-we will sit in the reserved student section.

    • Rosh Hashanah
    • Friday Sept. 22nd 6:30p.m.
    • 2250 N. Sheffield (Student Center) Room 120B
    • Saturday Sept. 23rd 10:00a.m.
    • 2250 N. Sheffield (Student Center) Room 120B

    • Yom Kippur
    • Sunday Oct. 1st 6:30p.m.
    • Concert Hall 800 W. Belden Ave
    • Monday Oct. 2nd 10:00a.m.
    • 2250 N. Sheffield (Student Center) Room 120B
    All services are free and open to the Public
    For more information please contact Emily at or 773-325-8650

    Please RSVP to Emily

    Get Paid to Learn
    Mini-Maimonides at DePaul

    The goal of the Maimonides Leaders Fellowship is to empower Jewish university students with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of their rich heritage, establishing well educated leaders on campus and in their future communities.

    Participants will enjoy entriguing discussion led by Rabbi Zev Kahn, presentations by knowledgeable communal leaders, as well as exciting field trips exploring the highlights of the Chicago Jewish community.

    • Beginning Mondays Sept. 18th
    • DePaul Hillel Room 340
    • $200 stipend
    Contact Rabbi Zev Kahn at zevkhan@jeteam. com for more information.

    Click Here to Apply

    DePaul Hillel Welcome Back Picnic
    Celebrate being together

    Welcome Back to School! Come hang out at the picnic with food, fun and friends.

    • Monday Sept. 18th
    • 4-6p.m.
    • Quad

    Contact Emily for more info

    NEIU Welcome Back Party
    get rid of the back to school blues with Hillel

    Come check out Hillel at NEIU. We'll be there to hang out and have fun. Come with questions or just find out how to get involved. See you there!

    • Tues. Sept. 19th
    • 1:40-2:30
    • Room TBA

    For more info contact Emily

    Ask the Rabbi

    Come have a meal and hang out with Hillel and Rabbi Drutman. Got questions about High Holidays or anything else? Come to the open session with the Rabbi and ask anything you want!

    • Wed. Sept. 20th
    • Da'Nalis Restaurant
    • 4032 W. Oakton St. Skokie
    • 6-7 Dinner
    • 7-8 Ask the Rabbi
    • First Dishing of the year is FREE

    Contact Emily for more info

    Quick Links
  • Hillels Around Chicago
  • JUF/Federation
  • Hillel International
  • About Us
    Hillels Around Chicago: Multi-Campus Center, a partner in serving our community is supported by The Hillels of Illinois, the Jewish United Fund/ Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
    phone: 312-673-2352


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