Monday, September 04, 2006

This Week at Hillel

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In this issue...
  • Visit Us on Campus
  • DePaul Back to School Bagels
  • IIT Hillel Meeting
  • Heeb Storytelling Chicago
  • DePaul Hillel Grand Opening
  • Time to PARTY!
  • Save the Dates
  • Get Paid to Learn
  • Interfaith Youth Core Project
  • Mentor with Big Brother/Big Sister

  • Check These Out...

    DePaul Hillel High Holiday Services Rosh Hashanah Sept. 22nd&23rd Yom Kippur Oct. 1st&2nd.

    2250 N. Sheffield Ave Room 120B
    (Kol Nidre will be held at 800 W. Belden Ave. at 6:30p.m. on Oct. 1st)

    Evening Services: 6:30p.m.
    Morning Services: 10:00a.m.
    Services are free and open to the public

    RSVP to Emily


    Taglit birthright-israel

    Registration Opens September 12th


    This Week at Hillel
    Check it Out...
    August 2006


    Classes have begun and Hillel is looking forward to an awesome year with lots of new faces and plenty of fun. We can't wait to get to know all of you and make this year an exciting one! Have a great week of classes and we'll see you at Hillel.


    Taglit: birthright israel registration is just around the corner - if you are between the ages of 18-26 and have never been on an organized, educational trip to Israel you may be eligible for the trip of a lifetime! Registration for this free 10-day trip to Israel opens September 12th.

    For more information on registration, contact Emily at or 773-235-8650. You can also pre-register on Shorashim's website. Look for Taglit- birthrightisrael-Chicago community trip.


    Visit Us on Campus
    Student Organization Fairs

    Stop by and see Emily, Misha or David at the organization fairs.

    • Oakton: (DP) Aug. 29th (Skokie) Aug. 30th
    • IIT: Aug. 30th & Sept. 6th
    • Columbia: August 31st
    • SAIC: Sept. 5th
    • DePaul:(LPC) Sept. 10th (Loop) Sept. 13th
    • Roosevelt: Sept. 20th
    Check your student activities websites for times and locations.

    For more info on NEIU, Oakton, or DePaul contact Emily at
    ebriskma@depaul. edu or 773-325-8650.
    For more info on Columbia, SAIC or Roosevelt please contact David at or 312-673-2350.
    For more information on IIT or Russian Hillel please contact Misha at mishazilbermint or 312-673-2359.

    DePaul Back to School Bagels

    There's nothing like a bagel to cure the back to school blues. Stop by Hillel to grab a bagel and schmooze with new friends and old. Tell us all about your summer and we'll hook you up with some awesome shmear!

    • Wednesday Sept. 6th
    • DePaul Hillel: Student Center Room 340 (2250 N. Sheffield)
    • 11-3

    * Come at 11 and meet the Chicago Tribune photographer who is doing a story on Hillel's Grand Opening!

    Contact Emily for more info

    IIT Hillel Meeting
    Come hang out

    Stop by, say hello, and hang out while we discuss the upcoming year and plan some awesome events. Never been to Hillel before? Just come check us out and see what it's all about.

    • Thursday Sept. 7th
    • 12:40p.m.
    • Blue Room in MCC

    E-mail Misha for more info

    Heeb Storytelling Chicago

    Heeb's traveling road show hits Chicago, featuring Ray Hanania (journalist, humorist), Kevin Coval (author, Slingshots: A Hip Hop Poetica), Triplette (sketch group,, Idris Goodwin (MC, playwright), Amy Krouse Rosenthal (author, Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life), Rebecca Wiener (editor, Heeb Magazine) and Aaron Freeman (humorist, NPR, HuffingtonPost,

    • Wednesday Sept. 13th
    • 8:00p.m.
    • The Second City etc Theatre 1608 N. Wells St. (Pipers Alley)
    • $5 Suggested Donation

    RSVP to David

    DePaul Hillel Grand Opening

    DePaul Hillel is celebrating the opening of our beautiful space for this academic year. Please commemorate this occasion with us, Father Holtschneider (DePaul's President),University administration, and members of the Jewish community.

    • Wednesday Sept. 13th
    • 4-6p.m.
    • Student Lounge Room 120 (next to Brownstones)
    • 2250 N. Sheffield Ave.

    RSVP to Emily

    Time to PARTY!
    Welcome Back HAC

    Got the back to school blues? We can solve that! It's time to break out those bowling shoes and take them for a spin at Seven Ten with HAC. Over 21? We've got unlimited wells and beer for just the cost of entry.

    • Thursday Sept. 14th
    • Seven Ten Lounge
    • 2747 N. Lincoln Ave.
    • 6:30-9:30p.m.
    • Under 21-$12
    • Over 21- $15

    RSVP to Emily

    Save the Dates

    Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema: Sept. 7- 17th

    DePaul Hillel Welcome Back Picnic: Sept. 18th

    NEIU Open House Meeting: Sept. 19th

    Dishing: Sept. 20th

    Get Paid to Learn
    Mini-Maimonides at DePaul

    The goal of the Maimonides Leaders Fellowship is to empower Jewish university students with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of their rich heritage, establishing well educated leaders on campus and in their future communities.

    Participants will enjoy entriguing discussion led by Rabbi Zev Kahn, presentations by knowledgeable communal leaders, as well as exciting field trips exploring the highlights of the Chicago Jewish community.

    • Beginning Mondays Sept. 18th
    • DePaul Hillel Room 340
    • $200 stipend
    Contact Rabbi Zev Kahn at zevkhan@jeteam. com for more information.

    Click Here to Apply

    Interfaith Youth Core Project
    plan interfaith service projects

    The Interfaith Youth Core runs a Chicago-based program called the Chicago Youth Council. This is a small group of high school students and college student mentors who spend the school year planning interfaith service projects for the common good in the city of Chicago. This is the first year we are opening this program to university students outside DePaul University (where the program participants meet on a weekly basis). We have chosen to do this because of the nature of the Chicago Youth Council in the 2006-2007 school year. Each year the CYC designs and plans its own service experience and creates a highly innovative piece of media around this project (i.e children�s book, CD, DVD, Art on film, etc.) But this coming year we have added a twist . . .

    This coming year the CYC is Going Global!

    We have partnered with a group of students in Amman, Jordan and will be using all the fabulous technology we have at our finger tips to build a relationship with them as we both run interfaith projects in our respective cities. The hope is to travel to each others� countries next summer to see the results of our projects.

    Also, the IFYC will be making a feature length documentary about the CYC and their project!

    So, if you are interested in being a part of this group and can make the commitment I urge you to apply. I have attached the application to this email and we will be accepting them until the end of August. The program begins in September. This is a competitive application process as we are only taking 10 students this year so please take care in filling out your application. I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Contact Mariah Neuroth, IFYC Senior Program Director at for more info.

    Click Here to Apply

    Mentor with Big Brother/Big Sister
    a Tzedek Opportunity

    • Gain experience working in a Chicago Public School!!
    • Develop a positive relationship with a child!! Great for Education and School Counseling students!
    • Approximately ONE hour per week!!
    • Full School Year (October to May) Commitment is Required!
    • Days and Times to Be Determined Based on Your Need and Availability!
    • Potential for Credit in EDFN 305, 405 and EDFN 306, 406 Courses
    For information Please Contact Veronica Vyazovsky, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago at 312-427-0637 ext 107 or

    Quick Links
  • Hillels Around Chicago
  • JUF/Federation
  • Hillel International
  • About Us
    Hillels Around Chicago: Multi-Campus Center, a partner in serving our community is supported by The Hillels of Illinois, the Jewish United Fund/ Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
    phone: 312-673-2352


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