Monday, October 09, 2006

Off-Campus Israel Conference/Trips


As you begin Fall Break, there are two special Israel-related
opportunities that we want you to be aware of:

Midwest Israel Information Conference - University of Wisconsin -
October 20-22


This is an annual conference that provides a great chance to meet
Israel-interested college students from schools throughout the Midwest.
There are always a group of students from Loyola that attend.  And,
especially since we have a small Jewish population, this is a wonderful
opportunity to connect with students from other campuses.

The keynote speaker will be Yaron Deckel, the Israel Broadcasting
Authority's Washington Bureau Chief.

There will be intereactive breakout sessions exploring Israeli society and
current events.  A great place to learn about Israel from the basics to
the more complex.

Saturday night there will be a huge dance party at a club in Madison
featuring an Israeli DJ.


There will be a bus to Madison leaving Friday, October 20 about Noon.
Depending on where students are coming from, the bus may make several
stops to pick up.  You will leave Madison Sunday morning, October 22 after
brunch and should be back in the Chicago area by early afternoon.


Hillel at Loyola is providing a $10 subsidy for every Loyola student that
goes to the Conference. You pay the regular cost and will receive a rebate
from Hillel when you get back from the conference.

Regular costs are:

For students that need to stay in a hotel in Madison - $60
This covers all conference costs including food and hotel.

For students that can stay with friends in Madison and do not need the
hotel space - $20
This covers the conference costs and food.

You must register by October 11.

To register - call 312-357-4849 or visit: for Registration and more information.

Any questions?  Contact Patti Ray at


The "Birthright Israel" deadline for the winter trips has been extended to
October 12.  This is a final chance to go this winter.  Registration and
information is a


Hillel is delighted to offer its premier Winter Israel Experiences
this December and January. This season National Hillel is sending three
exciting tracks: Jewish Pluralism and Peoplehood, Green: Israel and
Global Environmentalism and Leading Up North - Tzedek (Social
Justice - helping rebuild homes and lives of those residents of the North
of Israel who were devasted during the Lebanon War).

Each track will last approximately 10 days and cost $180 per student.
While requirements for each track vary, all participants must have had
prior Israel experience.  This is an unbelievable price for 10 days,
and it includes the transportation to Israel! Also, you can extend your
trip so you can stay in Israel longer!

All of the important information and application for these trips are
available online:

Hillel's Winter Israel Experiences

The cost of the trip is $180 + airfare to New York City - JFK
Airport.  Students are expected to depart with the group from JFK,
but are more then welcome to extend their stay in Israel for a fee.

The dates are as follows:

Jewish Pluralism and Peoplehood                  December 26, 2006 -
January 4, 2007

Green: Israel and Global Environmentalism  December 25, 2006 -
January 3, 2007

Leading Up North - Tzedek                             December 25,
2006 - January 4, 2007


                        January 1, 2007 - January 10, 2007

All students who apply must have prior Israel experience.
Applications will close on October 16, 2006.  Students will be
notified of acceptance by October 25, 2006.


"Hasbara Fellowships" are described below.  This is a trip organized
within an Orthodox framework but absolutely available and accessible to
all Jewish students.  The purpose of this trip is very specific and seeks
to train students to be Israel advocates on their campuses.

Hasbara Fellowships, a program spearheaded by Aish International, educates
and trains university students to be effective pro-Israel activists on
their campuses. Started in 2001 in conjunction with Israel's Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Hasbara Fellowships brings hundreds of students to Israel
every summer and winter. Now entering their fifth year, Hasbara
Fellowships has trained nearly 1,000 students on over 170 campuses,
providing its participants with the information, tools, resources, and
confidence to return to their campuses as leaders in the fight for
Israel's image. The most critical aspects of the Fellowships program is
the opportunity for Fellows to network with one another, learning from
each other and sharing experiences about Israel activism.

Registration is now open for this winter's Hasbara Fellowships Activism
Training Program in Israel! Past programs have met with Israeli leaders
such as Shimon Peres, Natan Sharansky, Dore Gold and Bibi Netanyahu.
Acquire effective Israel activism training, learn from fellow activists
from campuses across North America, meet top Israeli politicians and
leaders and gain specific programming ideas and campaigns to bring back to
your campus. Come explore Israeli and Middle Eastern history and politics
and sharpen your activism skills.

Program dates are December 17th-January 1rst and December 25th- January
8th. Top pro-Israel university activists from across North America are
invited to APPLY NOW for this winter's programs.

Students interested in upcoming programs to Israel should visit: for more information, including a past program
itinerary and pictures!

This is a highly subsidized program with a sliding scale of costs based on
a participant's needs.  Any questions can be directed to Jonathan Cohen.

Jonathan 'JC' Cohen
Campus Coordinator
Hasbara Fellowships
63 West 38th Street, Suite 1103
New York, NY 10018
646-365-0030 (Office)
516-375-6529 (Cell)


Since Sukkot begins Friday night, the start of Fall Break, many students
will not be on campus for the first days of the holiday.

However, if you are on campus - the Hillel sukkah is built and decorated.
If you would like to eat in the sukkah during the first days of the
holiday, just bring your food, plates, etc. into the sukkah to eat.  There
are tables with tablecloths, chairs and bottles of apple cider.  There are
also trash bags.  The weather is supposed to be beautiful during those
days of Fall Break.

Hillel's official Sukkot programs are happening Wedesday and Thursday
after break, and we will send out the details about those programs on

We have purchased a lulov and etrog for Hillel.  If you would like to use
them during break from Sunday to Tuesday, please contact Carla Pollman,
"keeper of the etrog and lulov," at 913-481-1358.  The rest of the week
they will be in the Hillel sukkah.

Happy Sukkot!

Hillel-list mailing list

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