Monday, March 26, 2007

Anti-Hate Petition and Hillel/MSA Lightbulb Exchange

Hillel at Loyola received this message from the International Hillel Office with a request to forward this to our listerve.  Since the Purim story took place in ancient Persia, what is now Iran, this petition was begun at that time.  The direct link to the petition is

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is coming to address the UN
Security Council when it votes on sanctions against Iran.

Hillel has put together a petition calling on Members of Congress and
the new UN Secretary General to maintain sanctions and keep the pressure
on Iran's leaders to pursue a more peaceful course.  Originally, this
began as a tie-in to the holiday of Purim, but now more than 10,000
students and Hillel supporters have signed.

We need your signature as well -now is when sending a message really

An Iranian leader who denies the Holocaust, arms Hezbollah, threatens
Israel and pursues nuclear capability is just plain dangerous!

With this UN visit and prospective U.S. talks with Iran, we have to let
our leaders know the importance of maintaining pressure as long as Iran
threatens its neighbors.

Hillel students will be delivering this petition on Wednesday
to the House Foreign Relations Committee, to the White House, and
to the UN Secretary General.  Please sign and pass it onto your
relatives, friends, and colleagues today at
<> .

The more people who sign this petition, the louder our voice will be.
Won't you add your voice and signature?

Help us make sure sanctions against Iran stay strong, so we can prevent
the spread of hate and violence in the Middle East.  Visit <>  today and sign the

Thank you



A special environmental initiative begun by Hillel and the Muslim Students' Association has resulted in a Lightbulb Exchange program being held this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 and next WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4 in the CFSU LOBBY and the SIMPSON ALCOVE from NOON-3 PM.  For every old filament lightbulb you bring in, you receive for FREE a new CFL - compact fluorescent lightbulb.  200 of these lightbulbs have been donated for the LIGHTBULB EXCHANGE.  What are you waiting for?  Switch to a CFL for FREE!

One new CFL lightbulb = 4 old incandescent lightbulbs.  CFLs use 75% less electricity than incandescent bulbs.  CFSs cut down on carbon dioxide pollution.  CFLs last longer!

This initiative is being supported by the Students for Environmental Alliance and the university's Sustainability Committee.
Hillel-list mailing list

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