Monday, April 02, 2007

Happy Passover!


On behalf of Hillel at Loyola I would like to extend my wishes to you and your families for a Happy and Meaningful Passover.

Passover is our holiday of freedom celebrating the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery.  Without Passover and the Exodus from Egypt, there would be no Jewish people.  The Exodus of the Israelites from slavery to liberation is a paradigm for the importance of liberation and freedom for all people.  Passover is a time for Jews to be reminded of the inalienable rights we enjoy, and it inspires us to help secure freedom and liberty for all people everywhere.

At our Passover Seders we tell the story of the Exodus because it is the first ever in recorded history to celebrate the idea that slaves could become free people.  We tell the story because it has inspired us in our darkest moments to hope for freedom renewed.  We tell the story because it teaches us to have compassion for those who are still not free - because "we, too, once were slaves in Egypt."

As we sit at our Seders this year, we cannot forget Israel's kidnapped soldiers that will not be with their families this Passover.  Please go to the website for a special prayer to say at the beginning of your Seder as well as for a petition to sign calling for their release.

Our ancestors traveled the world in search of safety and liberty, and we are here today because our ancestors never lost their hope.   We dream of a world in which Jews and all people everywhere are free.  We dream that next year Jerusalem may be at peace.  We dream that next year the world may be at peace.  "Shalom al Yisrael.  Shalom al ha-olam."  Peace be unto Israel.  Peace be unto the world.

Chag Sameach!  Happy Passover!

Patti Ray
Hillel Director
Loyola University Chicago
Hillel-list mailing list

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