March 19 | Privet, Israeli's Ambassador Comes to Chicago for the FIRST time. Please Do not miss this opportunity to hear him speak! PLUS it is Free for students! Come Join us this week at Northwestern for the viewing of Everything Is Illuminated! Great time to relax, see friends, and eat free food! See you, |
RADIO SABBABA | 1240 AM Mondays 6:15-6:25 pm | | | Radio Sabbaba needs you! Russian Hillel is looking for enthusiastic and initiative Russian-speaking person, who can run Radio Sabbaba on Mondays.
No previous experience is required. Please email Misha for more info Sponsored and supported by Vashe Radio and bomond.com |
629 Foster Evanston, IL Thrusday, March 22 7:00 pm | | | Everything is ilIuminated Come with your friends and enjoy a movie and food at the Northwestern Hillel. We will be viewing Everything is Illuminated! Based on the critically-acclaimed novel by Jonathan Safran Foer, "Everything is Illuminated" tells a story young Jewish American flies to the Ukraine in search of a woman who helped his grandfather escape Europe during World War I; all he has a photograph and the name of a village. What starts out as a journey to piece together one family's story under the most absurd circumstances turns into a surprisingly meaningful journey with a powerful series of revelations -- the importance of remembrance, the perilous nature of secrets, the legacy of the Holocaust, the meaning of friendship and, most importantly, love. |
81 E. Van Buren Chicago, IL Monday, March 19 6:00 pm | | | PUBLIC PROGRAM From Tehran to Beirut and Gaza with His Excellency Sallai Meridor Ambassador of Israel to the United States The Ambassador from Israeli Comes visits Chicago for the first time! Do not miss this unique opportunity to hear Sallai Meridor speak about complex problems from the Israeli perspective. IF YOU ARE A STUDENT this event is FREE: register by emailing Sharon Houtkamp shoutkamp@thechicagocouncil.org FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: http://www.thechicagocouncil.org/chicago_council_event_corporate_detail.php?eventid=1712 VISIT |
255 Revere Drive Northbrook, IL 60062 Thursday, March 29, 2007 7:00 pm | | | Ever wished for the ultimate dating or starting a family "How to..." book? Guess what - you can learn skills, get ideas and information that help you form and keep a healthy relationship by taking an Active Communication Workshop free of charge. Couples are encouraged to come out and Class Schedule as follows: March 29, 7:00 - 9:00 PM Am I a Tiger or a Turtle? April 5, 7:00 - 9:00 PM Annoy him not or How we communicate April 12, 7:00 - 9:00 PM 5 Love Languages April 19, 7:00 - 9:00 PM How not to marry a jerk or jerkette After completion a full 4 classes of Workshop all participants will get a Gift Certificate for Two to Chicago Favorite restaurants or some other good stuff. Call Maya Gumirov at     847-412-4357 to register. For e-sign up use mgumirov@jfcschicago.org Spaces are limited! |
6100 W Howard Street, Niles Niles, IL March 25 | | | Let's help package and deliver Passover food next Sunday, March 25 to those who in need. Maot Chitim of Greater Chicago is non-profit organization that buys, packs and delivers Passover food every year to thousands families in Chicago area, many of whom are Russian "babushki i dedushki". FOR MORE INFORMATION It is a great volunteering opportunity and it is a nice way to bring a smile to others by doing something nice. If you have time and car please come and help. If you don't have a car - you can join somebody who has, and if you don't have a time - spread the word around! |
| ChicagoVue.com event |
FREE TRIP TO ISRAEL | Israel May-June | | | It�s time to go! You have been thinking for such a long time about this. You had conversations with your friends and parents. There is no room for the June trip anymore, but July there's room for you in July! So Hurry! A reminder from Shorashim: Everyone who has not done so needs to turn in their money, emergency contact, and a copy of their passport. A failure to do so will result in someone else taking your spot. What�s like this FREE TRIP TO ISRAEL for Jewish students and young adults 18-26 years old? Finally!!! It�s time to join a group of Russian- speaking students and young adults from Chicago and explore the most beautiful and special country in the world- ISRAEL. Register now. Not sure yet? Email Katya. She knows how to convince you. |
| Russian Hillel is looking for an enthusiastic and initiative Russian-speaking person, who can run Radio Sabbaba on Mondays.
No previous experience is required. Please email Misha for more info. Here's your chance to get some scholarship money through the HIAS Chicago. Learn more information Do you have a short message to post? Email Misha ! |
SAVE THE DATE | February-April | | | coming up soon!!! Israeli Ambassador Speaks in Chicago- March 19 Israel Movie night- March 22 Skate With Israel-April 21 |
| |
Hillels Around Chicago 30 S. Wells St., Suite 216-600 Chicago, IL | Misha Zilbermint Program Director MishaZilbermint@juf.org (312) 673- 2359
Katya Shcherbakov JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern KatyaShcherbakov@juf.org     (312) 673-2385
http://www.HillelsAroundChicago.org Hillels Around Chicago: Multi-Campus Center, a partner in serving our community is supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life |
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