Thursday, April 26, 2007

New Pre-Optometry Club


One of Hillel's programs this semester was "The Eyes Have It!  Becoming An Optometrist."

We had the pleasure of hearing from a very interesting panel, and one of the outcomes of the program was the recreation of a Pre-Optometry Club.  We were asked to forward this message on our listserve to all who might be interested.

Hey Everyone,

There is a new organization here on campus and we want you to come to out first official meeting. We need to get some paperwork done and this is why we are having this meeting this late in the semester.  If you are interested in the field of optometry then this is the only club on campus that is for you!!! Please try to make it

1) Come to the first meeting of the new Pre-optometry club,
          Time: 5:30pm at Finnagon Auditorium (Damen) on Thurs. April 26th
2) We will be electing positions for
       *community outreach/event chair
       * Treasurer
-They need to prepare a one minute speech and we will elect officers afterwards

3)We will discuss things we can do for next year such as events, speakers, etc.
4) If people have questions they can e-mail: Birva Kadakia =
                                                               Ajay Patel =

Hillel-list mailing list

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.