Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wine Tasting!

Upcoming Events
May 17, 2007
This Week
Save the Date
Israeli Wine Tasting
Job Opportunity
Israel Activists 2007
Join Our Mailing List!
Links of the Week

Summer is almost here! We have plenty of things planned for this summer. Check out the upcoming events calendar, and make sure to save the date.
Israeli Wine tasting next week! Come out to try some great wine and start off your summer.
There is also a job opportunity posted below. If you're looking for a part-time job this summer, this might be for you.
If you have any anouncement of your own you'd like us to add to a weekly e-mail feel free to e-mail
Lia and we'll post it. Also, check out the links of the week. New videos and articles every week.

Lia, Katya, Misha
Save the Date!
Art Russian Bonfire - Sun. June 17

Russian Hillel Picnic - Sun. Aug 26

Skate With Israel - Sat. Jan 19

Russian Shabbaton - Feb. 22-24

Israeli Wine Tasting
ArtCome out to party and taste some wine!
View Facebook Invite

DJ Gary LaCosta

$6 cover (includes 2 drinks and complimentary hor d'ouevers)
21+ with ID
Thu. May 31
7:30 - 10:30 pm
Mike's Place @ Mix
2843 N Halsted St.
Chicago, IL
Job Opportunity

Are you looking for a lucrative part-time job?  Would you like to earn some extra income for the summer or all year round?

Kosher Clipper is a Chicago-based marketing company that specializes in kosher products and related services. We are looking for young and enthusiastic assistant account executives. We offer flexible hours and excellent income potential. For more information about this exciting opportunity please contact Mike at

Israel Activists 2007
The program will train students to be representatives on their campuses and give them the tools to help others get to Israel through programs offered by the Israel Programs Center. Students will visit different programs and participate in workshops on public speaking and marketing to help them recruit students and spread the word about Israeli programs.
Aug. 1-8      $450    Registration until June 1.
E-mail Miriam Brosseau or call 847-674-8865.

Lia Dolinsky
JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern
(312) 673-2357
Katya Shcherbakov
JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern
(312) 673-2385

Misha Zilbermint
Program Director
(312) 673- 2359

Hillels Around Chicago

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