Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ravinia Night Tonight!

Upcoming Events
July 12, 2007
This Week
Save the Date
Ravinia Night
Pool Party
Boat Party
Join Our Mailing List!
Links of the Week
Artist: Yair Engel
An Israeli citizen, Engel came to the U.S. specifically to
participate in this project.
Engel's colorful and thought provoking globe issues an important message: stop over-consumption of material goods. (globe # 120)
His globe will be one of many lining the lakefront in Chicago. View other globes in the gallery online, and come out to see them for yourself!

Hope you had a great 4th of july weekend.
With this nice weather, we want to be outside! Come out to Ravinia tonight!

Also, we want your input: 1. Any suggestions for topics for future lunch events. 2. We want to plan a day outdoors/ at the beach - any favorite spots or activities?
Please e-mail any suggestions or new ideas to

Thank you,

Lia, Katya, Misha

Save the Date!
Ravinia Night - Thu, July 12

Pool Party - Thu, July 26
Boat Party- Tue, Aug 14
Russian Hillel Picnic
- Sun. Aug 26

Skate With Israel
- Sat. Jan 19

Russian Shabbaton
- Feb. 22-24
Ravinia Night
Art Come out to Ravinia to relax, and have a good time with friends.
Bring food and join us on the lawn.

Free lawn ticket w/ student ID!
Not a student? Only $10

Thurs, July 12
Ravinia Festival

View the facebook invite, and more info on getting to ravinia and the schedule at

Pool Party
Art Swimming, Volleyball, Food, Music, Friends, and more...
We'll have the whole waterpark to ourselves!

Thur, July 26

Skokie Water Playground
4701 Oakton St.
Skokie, IL

View the facebook invite w/ more pictures from previous events.
Boat Party - Taglit-birthright israel Reunion
Art Birthright reunion on a boat!!
Bring your friends.
Come watch the sunset over the Chicago skyline, eat, dance and have fun.
Music, food & drinks provided.

Tue, Aug 14

Competition -- Upload your best birthright trip picture to the invite or e-mail it to and the winning picture will be announced at the party!

Lia Dolinsky
JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern
(312) 673-2357
Katya Shcherbakov
JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern
(312) 673-2385

Misha Zilbermint
Program Director
(312) 673- 2359

Hillels Around Chicago

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