Wednesday, March 15, 2006



I have several important messages to convey to the Board.

First - the final Board meeting of the year is tomorrow, THURSDAY, MARCH
16, at 4 PM at Hillel. We will discuss how the elections for next year's
Board and officers will be handled, our final programs, the Seder, and the
date for "Good-Bye to Seniors Party."

Since some of you are working or have class or whatever tomorrow and will
not be able to attend the meeting, let me use this opportunity to ask you
to be very honest with those who think they might want to run for an office
or be on the Board next year. As our experience this year has shown - the
reality is that when you work, have lots of night classes or have to be home
in the afternoons/evenings - whatever one's best intentions are and however
much someone cares about Hillel - it is better to be a caring non-Board member
who comes to Hillel programs when he/she can and who helps work on programs
when time permits than to accept responsibility of being a Board member or
officer that is not be able to devote the time this requires. For those
of you who are thinking of being on the Board next year or for those who
want to encourage others to be on the Board, please be very honest about what
is required of a Board member, and the significant time commitment that is

It is not a value judgement of someone who just does not have the time to
do Hillel as a Board member. That is the reality of the necessity of
work, the reality of living off-campus or the obvious obligation of
classes. However, it is better for our Hillel to have a much smaller
Board and have it be made up of students who have the time to be present
at Hillel 6-8 hours a week and who can come to the majority of the
programs Hillel sponsors, whether they be the programs of one's committee
or not. Obviously, committee members should be at all the programs of
their respective committees. But past that - Hillel Board members need to
feel responsible for all the programs our Hillel sponsors - and you know
that we sponsor many programs. If that is not something someone can
honestly take responsibility for doing - care about Hillel, but do not be
on the Board.

Please keep these guidelines in mind as you think about being on the Board
next year and as you speak with other students who might be interested.


Many of you participated in performing in Deconstruction Zone last year
and said you wanted to help with the planning. This afternoon, downstairs
in the Mundelein Student Lounge from 3:45-6:00 PM in the basement of
Coffey Hall, which is where Deconstruction Zone takes place, we will look
at the space Hillel needs to work with and analyze what we want to do.

Please go directly to the Coffey basement.

I hope to see you this week.


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