Monday, May 01, 2006

Illinois Campus Monthly

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Illinois Campus Monthly Israel Campus Update
May 2006

Hey there,

Welcome to the first edition of the JCRC/Hillel Israel Initiative Campus Monthly! This email will highlight some of the innovative and interesting Israel programming that occurs on campuses all across Illinois each month. This e-mail update is designed specifically for students like you who are passionate about supporting Israel on campus.

In this update
  • Who are these people, and why are they e-mailing me?
  • Celebrate Israel's 58th Birthday on Your Campus
  • Campus Monthly Contest
  • Israel Solidarity Day - Walk with Israel!
  • Israeli + Latin Dancing = Salsa con Chutzpah

  • Celebrate Israel's 58th Birthday on Your Campus

    Next week, campuses all across Illinois will be celebrating Yom Haatzmaut, or Israel's Independence Day, with various programs and celebrations. Click to find out what's happening at a campus near you. If your campus is not listed, and you'd like to put something together, please contact us.

    Campus Monthly Contest

    Each edition of Campus Monthly will contain a contest, and the winner of that contest gets sent a choice of Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, or Starbucks giftcards! The first contest is.... Come up with the best caption for this picture. Send your responses to The winner will be announced in the next edition of Campus Monthly.

    Israel Solidarity Day - Walk with Israel!

    Join in on one of the many community based walks in Illinois to show your support for Israel.

    Israeli + Latin Dancing = Salsa con Chutzpah

    Check out this recent article published by Felix Grudsky, JCRC/Hillel Israel Intern.

    Who are these people, and why are they e-mailing me?

    You might be wondering how it is you got on this e- mail list in the first place. Most likely, you have attended an event of ours in the past or you've been involved with Israel activism on your campus.

    The JCRC/Hillel Israel Initiative is a unique partnership of the JUF�s Jewish Community Relations Council and Hillels of Illinois. The goal of the program is to motivate and educate Illinois college students to promote support for Israel on campus and beyond. Throughout the academic year, The JCRC/Hillel Israel Initiative sponsors conferences, lectures, and Israeli speaker and cultural programs on campuses throughout the state of Illinois, as well as the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

    These programs are facilitated and executed with the help of the finest student activists on campus � our Israel Interns. The Initiative also provides scholarship opportunities for students with Illinois residency for Israel missions, as well as Israel-related conferences around the world.

    Quick Links

    Check out all of our affiliated organizations!

    Check out our "Israel 101" Series - A primer on the most pressing Israel advocacy topics!

    Join our mailing list!
    phone: 312-357-4931


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