Monday, May 01, 2006

This Week at Hillel

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In this issue...
  • Ushpizin Movie at DePaul
  • Rally to Stop the Genocide in Darfur
  • The Holocaust Journey at DePaul
  • Krav Maga at DePaul
  • Shabbat Dinner and Services at DePaul
  • IndepenDANCE Party
  • Bashert Night at the Goodman Theater
  • Bigdei Yisrael: Help the Needy in Israel
  • Running for Life III

  • Cool Links
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    This Week at Hillel
    Check it Out...
    May 2006

    Another week down and just a few more to go... We've made it all the way to the week of Yom Ha'Atzmaut and there are some awesome events planned to celebrate Israel Independence Day. Don't miss out on all the festivities!


    Ushpizin Movie at DePaul
    you won't want to miss this

    As the festive holiday of Succoth approaches, big hearted Moshe Bellanga, a devoutly religious man and a member of the Breslau Chasidim, finds himself broke- -a self describes "lump of sadness." Moshe doesn't have the money to scrape together a Succah, a temporary dwelling religious Jews stay in during the festival to commemorate the time of Exodus.

    • Mon. May 1st
    • 7:30p.m.
    • SAC 161

    Contact Eugene for more info

    Rally to Stop the Genocide in Darfur

    Since Feb. 2003, a Sudanese government-backed militia known as Janjaweed has been systematically expelling, raping, and murdering the African/Black Muslim population in Darfur, Sudan. It is estimated that 80% to 90% of all African villages in Darfur have been destroyed. over 400,000 men, women, and children have been killed and more than two million people now live in crowded camps.

    The rally will feature elected officials, religious and otehr community and human rights leaders. Sponsored by the Chicago Coalition to Save Darfur and coordinated by the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago. For more info go to: www.juf.or g/jcrc/Darfur.asp

    • Mon. May 1st
    • 4:30p.m.
    • Federal Plaza:Dearborn and Chicago

    The Holocaust Journey at DePaul
    a unique view

    Special Guest Speaker Dr. Justin Gordon will share a journey thorugh the Holocaust via postage, letters and other remaining artifacts. This special view into the personal stories of both those who survived and those who were killed is unique and important. Please join Hillel for this special event.

    • Tues. May 2nd
    • Student Center Room 312
    • 2250 N. Sheffield Ave
    • 5:30-7:00p.m.

    For more info contact Eitan

    Krav Maga at DePaul
    Self Defense System of the Israeli Defense Forces

    Join Hillel to learn Krav Maga; the official self defense system of the Israeli Defense Forces. Krav Maga has been taught to hundreds of law enforcement agencies and thousands of civilians in the United States. Now it�s YOUR turn!

    • Thurs. May 4th
    • 8:00p.m.
    • Ray Meyer Studio C
    • 2235 North Sheffield Avenue

    For more info or to RSVP E-mail Eugene

    Shabbat Dinner and Services at DePaul
    celebrate with us

    Come celbrate Shabbat with us and wind down from your long week. We'll have dinner waiting for your after services.

    • Fri. May 5th
    • 6:30p.m.
    • Student Center Room 313
    • 2250 N. Sheffield Ave.

    Contact Brian for more info

    IndepenDANCE Party
    Don't Miss Out

    Ring in Israel's 58th Birthday with Tel Aviv's Techno, Hip Hop and Rock pumped by Israeli DJ David Yakov!

    The blowout will feature Hookah, Middle Eastern Food and Raffle for some great prizes!!!

    $3 cover. 18 to party all night, 21 to drink. For more info, contact
    Ilya Trakhtenberg.

    • Sat. May 6th
    • Nevin's
    • 1450 Sherman Ave., Evanston
    • 10:30p.m.

    E-mail Ilya

    Bashert Night at the Goodman Theater
    Find Your Soulmate

    Find your soulmate at Bashert Night! In Yiddish, a soulmate is called bashert, meaning perfect match or destiny. Join us for The Clean House, where death, laughter and a bashert combine to create a play that asks the question: What really IS important in life?

    Chicago-area singles are invited to mix, mingle and enter to win a date compliments of the Goodman.

    Tickets are only $40 and include the reception and 7:30 pm performance of The Clean House.

    • Thursday May 4th
    • Reception 6-7p.m.
    • Performance:7:30p.m.

    Click Here for More Info

    Bigdei Yisrael: Help the Needy in Israel
    donate your used cothes

    Bigdei Yisrael is an organization established to help you help the poor in Eretz Yisrael. Today, unfortunately there are thousands of families in Israel living in extreme poverty;you can help relieve this economic burden by donating your used clothing to Bigdei Yisrael. The clothes that are collected will be sorted and shipped to Israel to be distributed among known organizations with which Bigdei Yisrael has relationships.

    If you are interested in donating your clothes please contact Shai Berdugo at

    E-mail Shai

    Running for Life III
    Magen David Adom

    Shmooze with other students and young professionals while supporting & learning about MDA A 5 mile Run and Walk to support Magen David Adom @ 9 am. Brunch in the Park @ 10 am
    Come out to walk, play, cheer for your friends, picnic, bike, win Sox tickets, other cool prizes and participate in the awards ceremony. Make MDA part of a family & friends day at the park!

    To register, click here. For more info contact
    Rachel Dreytser.

    • Sun. April 30th
    • Cannon Drive & Fullerton (near Lincoln Park Zoo)
    • Walk: 9:00a.m.
    • Brunch in the Park: 10:00a.m.

    Click here to Register

  • Hillels Around Chicago
  • Jewish United Fund/Federation
  • Hillel International
  • About Us
    Hillels Around Chicago: Multi-Campus Center, a partner in serving our community is supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
    phone: 312-673-2350


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