Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Help Hillel Start the Year Off Right

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.  

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

Dear Student,

Help us reach our goal of raising $30,000 by Yom Kippur

Just a couple of days ago, tens of thousands of students celebrated Rosh Hashana with their local Hillels.  This was a great start to the year! 
Right now, local Hillel Foundations are addressing a key question: where do we go from here? 

Hillel professionals across the country have been planning for a busy and fun-filled year.  We need your help now at the beginning of this year to help make these activities a reality!
Choose your school and make a New Years gift today.
Local Hillels need to raise over 50% their budgets each year.  Your support enables them to engage the students on campus who came to services, as well as to connect with thousands more who did not. 
Hillel's mission is to enrich the lives of Jewish students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world.  Local Hillels are dedicated to creating a pluralistic, welcoming and inclusive environment for Jewish college students, where they are encouraged to grow intellectually, spiritually and socially. 
Be our partner in these efforts and support a local Hillel!
You can also support some of the national and international programs provided through Hillel's Charles and Lynn Schusterman International Center, including leadership missions and other travel to Israel, Taglit-birthright israel follow-through programming, and Alternative Break programs to continue rebuilding New Orleans and the Gulf Coast – impacting thousands of students each year.  
Click here to support these important experiential programs.
Help us reach our goal of raising $30,000 online by Yom Kippur.  Best wishes for a sweet, healthy and fulfilling new year.

Keith Krivitzky

PS – if you have already made your gift through the mail or directly to a local Hillel Foundation – thank you!  Your support is very much appreciated.


www.hillel.org | Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life | Donate
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