Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Latin Dance Returns!

To those new to Loyola, this will certainly let you know how diverse our Hillel is.  Where else would you have two pre-med Russian students teaching Latin Dance at a Jesuit school and have it be one of the most enjoyable programs of the Jewish student group!!

Konstantin Garabashvili and Jane Shmelkov are National Competitive Dance Award Winners, and they are returning to teach the basics of Latin Dance in Coffey Hall.  (Coffey Hall is the dorm right on the Lake just east of Mundelein Center, across the little garden.)

These classes are FREE and open to everyone!  You do not have to be an expert dancer; this can be your first dance class.  Konstantin and Jane are amazing at making each class interesting and fun and easy to learn.



OCTOBER 3, 10, 17, 31 and November 7, 14

Konstantin and Jane look forward to seeing you!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Partying in the Sukkah


This week is the end of the holiday of Sukkot, and we have a lot planned in the Hillel Sukkah in the next two days.  Just to remind you - the Hillel Sukkah is located on the south side of Mundelein Center.  If you walk or drive on Sheridan Road, you cannot miss the big, blue Hillel Sukkah!

We hope you can join us for some of our Sukkot programs!


11:30 AM - "PIZZA IN THE HUT" - Rabbi Zev Drutman will explain the traditions and rituals of the holiday of Sukkot.  And, we will serve pizza in the sukkah for lunch.

2:30 PM - "BABUSHKAS VISIT THE SUKKAH" - The Devon Sheridan Residence houses many Russian Jewish senior citizens - in Russian the term is "babushka."  In what has become a Hillel tradition, we invite these residents to the Hillel sukkah as guests for tea and traditional Russian sweets.  You do not have to be Russian to join in this wonderful volunteer program.


Noon-4 PM - "HILLEL AT LOYOLA SUKKAH OPEN HOUSE" - Our yearly invitation to the campus at large to visit our sukkah and enjoy some apple cider and brownies.  Bring your friends and your teachers.

7-10 PM - "HOOKAH IN THE SUKKAH!!"  - What has become one of Hillel's biggest parties.  We turn the sukkah into a Mideastern hookah bar with Mideastern music, and we feast on delicious kosher BBQ food on the Mundelein Center Porch on the east side of the building.


Columbia/Barnard Hillel Takes Action Against Ahmadinejad

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.  

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

The Columbia/Bernard Hillel helped organize protests and educate the community.
(Photo: Channtal Fleischfresser.)

Dear Friends,
I write to you just days after the appearance of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at Columbia University to share my pride in the work of our student activists and professionals at Columbia/Barnard Hillel. With little time to prepare, Columbia/Barnard Hillel played a leading role in shaping events on campus. The result:

  • Columbia/Barnard Hillel helped form a campus-wide student coalition which coordinated the major rally at the heart of the campus. The rally was co-sponsored by a wide range of political, cultural and religious organizations. Thousands of students attended this rally featuring speakers from over 25 student organizations and including several keynote speeches from Hillel students. Hillel students were at the forefront of the protesting against Ahmadinejad throughout the day on Monday, ensuring that he did not have a free ride during his time on campus.

  • On the Sunday before the speech – and the morning after Yom Kippur – Columbia/Barnard Hillel was a hive of activity, sponsoring a day of advocacy training and preparation for Ahmadinejad's arrival. Thanks to a partnership with the Israel on Campus Coalition, many major Israel advocacy organizations provided our students with the tools necessary to effectively voice their opposition to the Iranian President. Workshops such as "Up-to-the-Minute Analysis on Iran" to "Making Monday Matter – The Skill of Arguments and Counter-Arguments" empowered our students with the content and know-how to help them feel confident at the rally and in their opposition of Ahmadinejad.

  • Hillel students worked around the clock designing and distributing materials to inform and mobilize the campus community in preparation for the student rally and protesting to take place during Ahmadinejad's speech. You may have seen Hillel-designed posters in news accounts, or their distinctive black t-shirts with the famous quote from Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

  • While non-Columbia students and personnel were prohibited from entering the campus on the day of the Iranian President's visit, Hillel students and professionals from across the New York region participated in a rally at the United Nations sponsored by the Ad Hoc Coalition for Justice.  Josh Rosner, student president of Columbia/Barnard Hillel, addressed the rally along with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, members of Congress and other dignitaries. All of our students who spoke that day were articulate and impassioned and a credit to us all.
I encourage you to read some of the press following these activities on Hillel's Web site .
When the world's attention fell on Columbia University, our students and professionals rose to the challenge and helped to focus the debate on the Iranian president's despicable policies. Barnard/Columbia Hillel is a model for all of us in the Hillel movement.  Please consider supporting Columbia/Barnard Hillels efforts to counter Ahmadinejad and his message of hate.  In this way, we can all share in the success of this moment.
Best wishes for a joyous Sukkot and Simchat Torah and a happy, healthy new year.
Thank you again for your ongoing support.
Wayne Firestone
PS – If you have not yet signed Hillel's petition against the Iranian regime or shared it with your friends and family, please do so here . | Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life | Donate
About | On Campus | Jewish Resources | Social Justice | Careers | Israel | Conferences


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sunday: Golem rocks @ Schuba's in Lakeview

September 26, 2007                KFAR Jewish Arts Center: Stimulating, promoting and producing the next generation of Jewish expression

THIS SUNDAY: 9/30 9pm Golem @ Schubas, Belmont and Southport in Lakeview

Rock out on Succot with GOLEM!  Contrary to popular belief, Golem is neither a towering Jewish Frankenstein who defended the Jews of 17th Century Prague, nor a creature from Lord of the Rings. 

Golem is a 6 piece Eastern European folk band that musically marries the rich immigrant past of the Lower East Side to its hipster present with a combination of over-the-top theatricality and a punk ethic. Balkan rhythms meet melodies found in Kosher bakeries, and lyrics scribbled on the backs of labels peeled off bottles from too many nights in Polish taverns with Gypsy musicians.

Golem's JDub REcords debut, FRESH OFF BOAT, is available now. Produced by Emery Dobyns (Patti Smith, Antony and the Johnsons, the Battles) and featuring Mike Gordon of Phish, Amanda Palmer of The Dresden Dolls, and Lenny Kaye of Patti Smith's band!

"Stellar! A wild edgy approach with a reverance for Old World tradition." New Yorker Magazine

"Golem produces the sort of music you'd expect if the shtetl were filled with punks instead of peasants." Washington Post

"Not your father's klezmer band…unless of course Sid Vicious was yourfather…" NY Jewish Week

Annual Campaign: As we announced last week, a generous donor has offered to match every dollar KFAR raises this fall.  A gift of $180 turns into $360! Thanks to your generosity, we have rapidly met one-fifth of our target for this challenge, but if you haven't yet sent in your donation, or if you've been waiting for the right time- this is that time! Your donation instantly doubles under this challenge, so send it in soon so it can still qualify.

The 'Tekiah Gedolah' has sounded, but KFAR Jewish Arts Center is the small voice that ensures our community has great music events throughout the rest of the year. Help KFAR do it with a tax-deductible New Year's contribution. Help nourish our community with a donation to KFAR and bring our signature brand of contemporary Jewish cultural vibrancy to Chicago.

Here's how to support Jewish culture in Chcago!
1. Make your tax-deductible check out to:
Foundation for Jewish Culture
2. Jot KFAR Jewish Arts Center in the memo line
3. Mail it to: KFAR Jewish Arts Center, 3921 N. Janssen #2s, Chicago IL 60613
4. An acknowledgement and tax-lettter from FJC and KFAR will follow

Conversations Series: KFAR is starting a series of informal "Conversations on Culture."  Participate and meet others interested in culture, or help us plan the series itself.  To get involved, email

Bring KFAR to your Congregation? We're working to do just that.  If you're interested in your Synagogue or organization augmenting its offerings with contemporary Jewish cultural programming, email

Address Update: We're updating our database.  Please send us your most current information, including address and phone.

11/11 7pm Aharit HaYamim @ Wild Hare, 3530 N Clark St., in Lakeview

Aharit HaYamim is an Israeli reggae and world-beat sensation whose groove is rooted in love of Zion they share with their Rastafarian brethren. They proclaim love for "Yerushalayim" and "Holy Mount Zion" in tight harmonies layered over thumping basslines. Their music has attracted mixed multitude of followers, comprised of rastafarians, jam band fans, dissillusioned children of Oslo and Haredi Hilltop youth.

"Aharit Hayamim is here to wake you up and spread the message of unity, love and Israel," says the band. Wearing brightly colored, home-sewn, hemp clothing with tzitzit, Aharit HaYamim delivers a heady musical mix perfect for party people or spiritual seekers.

"Lush instruments flow through the songs with clarinets, flutes, mandolins and more exotic instruments making appearances… Jamaican icon Bob Marley's musical and philosophical themes also show up in the band's repertoire – albeit with a Jewish twist." Israel National Radio

KFAR Jewish Arts Center is an independent, non-denominational organization presenting contemporary Jewish arts presentations and programs in Chicago that simultaneously enrich and celebrate our culture. KFAR is dedicated to stimulating, promoting and producing the next generation of Jewish expression. Visit our website at

KOACH Taglit-birthright israel Registration Closes Monday!


KOACH College Outreach
is a project of
The United Synagogue
of Conservative Judaism

KOACH Taglit-birthright israel Registration closes Monday!

Your free (first) trip to Israel! Join KOACH next winter for the journey of a lifetime. If you are Jewish, 18-26, have never been to Israel on a peer experience of more than three days, this is the trip for you! Want to know more? Click here for details on past adventures. Need to know more? Email us at today! Registration closes on Monday, October 1st -- Don't miss out!

Taglit-birthright israel is an incredible worldwide program that will send thousands of students to Israel, at virtually no cost. The program exists thanks to the philanthropy of many generous individuals and the government of the State of Israel.

Sample Itinerary | FAQs | Alumni Testimonials | Photos

Free trip to Israel! Don't miss out! Time is running out! Do it now!

Published by KOACH, the College Outreach Program of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, 601 Skokie Blvd, Northbrook, IL 60062; Phone (847) 714-9130.

Cafe Hillel

Dear Board,
I just wanted to publically congratulate Amy, Alana and Konstantin on making Cafe Hillel such a wonderful success!  This was a completely student run event and they all did a phenomenal job of creating and executing it!

Great Job you three!

See you all at Subs in the Sukkah tonight at 6!


Volunteer Literacy Tutoring Opportunity

The Hillel Volunteer Committee is making our listserve aware of a wonderful volunteer opportunity - the TOV Literacy Project that is a one-on-one reading program that connects volunteers with elementary school children from a variety of backgrounds who need assistance in developing and enhancing their reading skills.  The program runs from October to May, and no experience is necessary - just a desire to help a young student learn to read.  There are two options - face-to-face tutoring or working together online with a unique program called Innovations for Learning.  Your assistance can open a child's eyes to a whole new world.

The only requirement is that your commit to do this for the entire year, October -May.  The face-to-face tutoring is one hour/week; the online tutoring is 30 minutes/week.  You set up the day and times that are convenient for you in either setting.

TOV (the Hebrew word meaning "good") is the Volunteer Organization of the Jewish United Fund, and many of Hillel's volunteer programs are coordinated through TOV.  Volunteers do not have to be Jewish, and those that are served are not necessarily Jewish.  You can check a more detailed description of the tutoring program online at and click on Literacy Project.

Following are the basics:


All tutoring takes place at the elementary school during regular hours.  Tutors help in many ways including working one-on-one with a single student, working with a reading group, working one-on-one with a number of different students or acting as a teacher's assistant.  Tutor roles vary by school.

The closest school to Loyola is Gale Academy - 1631 W. Jonquil, Chicago.  It is off of Howard a few blocks west of Sheridan Road.

However, there are also suburban schools in Evanston, Skokie, Northbrook as well as other schools in Chicago.  These schools are listed on the website.

Every face-to-face tutor is required to come to one training session to fill out paperwork, a background form, etc.  An optional session will follow led by a teacher about how to be a successful tutor.

There are two orienation sessions next MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 -

Noon-1 PM at the Jewish Federation Building - 30 S. Wells, Chicago 60606.  (At the northwest corner of Wells and Monroe.  Take the Red Line to Washington street and walk west several blocks to Wells, turn left and walk 1/2 block.)

6-7 PM - Bernard Weinger Jewish Community Center - 300 Revere Drive, Northbrook 60062.  (Take the Edens to Lake Cook Road West, go to the second street - Revere Drive.  Turn left.  Revere Drive ends at the Weinger JCC.)



The on-line tutoring program works with 1st grade students at George Manierre School, a Chicago public school.  The sessions are about 30 minutes long and occur on the same day and time each week.  You pick that day and time.  Each student and tutor also receives an alternate tutoring time, in case either one cannot make the regular time.  All on-line time slots are scheduled during the regular school day.

Tutoring is conducted via the internet using WebEx, an online meeting software system.  You must be able to download and save the software onto a computer.  This can be your own computer, or we can download the software onto one of the Hillel computers.  "Innovations for Learning," the company coordinating the on-line tutoring, will provide each tutor with a special headset to speak to their students, an online resource with stories to work through with the students, and a manual with a tutoring guide and instructions for games and activities to do with their students online.

All online tutors are required to attend an orientation session to be introduced to WebEx and WebEx AIM Prog, the computer software used for the online tutoring.  Each online tutor must attend an orientation session to receive a headset as well as participate in a personalized training call to go through a mock tutoring session, so you are familiar with the system when you begin tutoring on-line.  There will be an opportunity in the course of the year to actually meet your student.

There is an Orientation Session this TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 from 6-7:30 PM at the Jewish Federation Building - 30 S. Wells, Chicago 60606 . (At the corner of Wells and Monroe.  Take the Red Line to Washington street and walk west several blocks to Wells, turn left and walk 1/2 block.)


We hope you will take advantage of this outstanding volunteer opportunity.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hillel Updates and a job opportunity


Tomorrow night, Tuesday, September 25 from 7-8:30 PM at Alana
Kinarsky's apartment, there will be the first session of the two-part
Cafe Hillel.  Students will discuss the meaning of homeland in all its
variations.  There will be great food for the discussion.  Plese email
Amy Galanter at for Alana's address.  Also email Amy if
you are coming.  There are two aritcles to read that you can pick up on
the counter in HIllel.

The sukkah is up and decorated.  Much thanks go to those who helped get
it up and made it look beautiful!  The schedule for holiday meals  this
week is below.  After that is a new job opportunity.

Before we remind you about the Sukkot schedule, we want to give an
explanation of Sukkot. A sukkah is a booth-like structure commemorating
the dwellings the Israelites lived in during their wanderings in the
desert.  Coming in the Fall at the time of harvest, the holiday also has
a God-man-nature component.  The holiday is called "Sukkot" ( the plural
of the word, booth) and in English is called the Feast of Booths.

Wednesday, September 26 - "SUBS IN THE SUKKAH!" - 6 PM - Hillel Sukkah
- Mundelein South Lawn
This year is the first time Hillel is hosting a Yom Tov dinner on the
first night of sukkot.  It will be a delicious, kosher sub sandwich and
popcorn chicken dinner!

Friday, September 28 - "SHABBAT UNDER THE STARS" - 6 PM - Hillel Sukkah
- Mundelein South Lawn
A "more or less" traditional Shabbat dinner - actually it is a soup and
deli sandwich Shabbat!  Because the first days of Sukkot run right into
Shabbat, a kosher caterer cannot deliver food just for Shabbat.  So - we
are having a kosher deli tray, kugel and great chicken soup!  If the
weather is our friend - it should be a great Shabbat under the stars...

Saturday night, September 29 - "HAVDALLAH UNDER THE STARS" - 6 PM -
Hillel Sukkah
Mitzuit Congregation is hosting this evening in the Hillel Sukkah.

6:00 pm -  Rabbi Menachem Cohen of Mitzuit Congregation will be a lead
us in a Third Meal Teaching.  The Third Meal, Seudat Shlishit, is the
final meal of Shabbat.

7:30 pm -   Havdallah, the ceremony that ends Shabbat,  will be
followed by the Shiviti Drum Circle, a participatory spiritual drumming


Attention entrepreneurs,

This message is regarding a new business opportunity for current Loyola
University students. My name is Yan Pesotskiy and I am a sophomore here
at Loyola. I am starting an organic food distribution company that would
deliver organic fruit to a pick-up location on campus and to students'
dorm rooms. This business project, called Mission Three, was originally
created in a classroom by a group of Georgetown University students.
However, after winning a prestigious international award in Panama
competing against 800 contestants from different countries, the creators
decided to actually launch the business in Georgetown University.
Mission Three team made over $10,000 in revenue in the first 2 weeks of
operation. The start-up was so successful that now they are looking to
expand to other campuses all over the country including Loyola. I am in
charge of expansion to Loyola. Because I am a busy college student I
won't be able to pull this off on my own. I need a partner/partners
with whom I will launch this venture. If you want to learn more details
give me a call, drop an email, or visit our official website at

Thank you,

Yan Pesotskiy
Partner Mission Three
Loyola Branch
Cell: (773) 447-1863


The Books Haven't Closed Yet

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.  
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

Only $6,042 more to go!

Dear Students,

On behalf of Hillel, I hope you had a meaningful Yom Kippur – and that you have a happy and healthy new year.

I would like to thank the hundreds of supporters who made a High Holiday gift to Hillel – to our local Foundations and to Hillel's national and international programs.  Thanks to you, we are very close to raising our High Holiday goal of $30,000 online.

If you have not yet had a chance to make a donation – it is not too late! 

Make your gift to support Jewish life on a local campus.
Make your gift to support the work Hillel is doing across the country and around the world.
As our tradition teaches – while the judgment for the year is sealed on Yom Kippur, the books still remain open through the holiday of Succot.  There is still time for tzedaka.

Hillel is planning for an exciting year, which will help tens of thousands of students make an enduring commitment to Jewish life.  Your gift can make a real difference.

You can also make a gift in honor or in memory of someone by  clicking here.

Thank you in advance.  And again – best wishes for a great and fulfilling new year. 

Keith Krivitzky
PS – If our wires are crossed and you have already made your High Holiday gift to a Hillel locally or nationally – thank you so much. | Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life | Donate
About | On Campus | Jewish Resources | Social Justice | Careers | Israel | Conferences


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sukkah Decorating

To the Board,

Please remember that you are the basic constituency to decorate our sukkah.  It would be good to get most of it done tomorrow, with the finishing touches on Tuesday.

Please come by early and often!


Fondue Party!

Upcoming Events
Sep 21, 2007
This Week
Save the Date
Free Trip to Israel
Fun-Jew Fondue Party
Lunch in the Loop
Do the Write Thing
Money Workshop
Join Our Mailing List!
Links of the Week

G'mar Hatima Tova -
We hope all of you have a good Yom Kippur, and good fortune in the new year.

*** Registration for the Winter Taglit-birthright FREE trip to Israel is now open until Oct 15!! ***

Recruite some new members for Russian Hillel and meet some new people by coming and bringing friends to the Fondue Party! We're getting everyone together and welcoming new members to Russian Hillel over some great dessert, so spread the word :)

Lunch in the Loop is back! Come meet up with some friends for lunch and learn about the current issues in Israel.

Lia, Katya, Misha
Save the Date
Lunch in the Loop - Wed. Sep 26

Birthright Winter Registration Deadline - Oct 15!!

Skate With Israel
- Sat. Jan 19

Russian Shabbaton
- Feb. 22-24
Free trip to Israel
BRI camelsRegistration is now open for the Winter Taglit- birthright trip to Israel. Deadline is Oct 15, so sign up now!
*(when registering please put that you were reffered by Lia)*

Taglit-birthright israel is a FREE 10-day experience of a lifetime. If you are Jewish, 18-26 years old, and have never been on an organized peer program before - let your journey begin!

With Shorashim you experience the awesome adventure of Israel through the eyes and hearts of Israeli peers. Shorashim is the only Taglit-birthright israel program where all groups travel for 10-days with Israeli friends. Leave the tour bus behind; experience Israel the Israeli way!

Fun-Jew Fondue Party!
BRI camels Want to meet new people over some great desserts?

Russian Hillel is hosting Fun-Jew Fondue party at Ethel's Chocolate Lounge. For those of you who have never been there, they have the best sweets anywhere in the city, so come out and have fun socializing and meeting new people.

We primarily want to see all the incoming college freshman come out to meet and create new friends.

Cost is $5 for College Freshman, all others $10. Please be prepared to bring a school ID!!!

We hope to see you all there, as we renting the entire place just for Russian Hillel!!!

Sun. Sep. 23, 7:30-9:30pm
Ethel's Chocolate Lounge
527 Davis St.
Evanston, IL
Lunch in the Loop
BRI camelsJoin us for lunch, learn about Sukkot and talk current events in Israel
Sukkot is coming up, and Miriam will be back to talk about the holiday and how it relates to some current issues:
Sukkot is all about shelter, as is Israel- a shelter for the Jews, before and after the Holocaust until today.  So what is Israel's responsibility with regards to refugees from Darfur fleeing into Israel to escape genocide?  Should they accept them?  Many of the refugees have wound up in Israeli jails- is this ethical?  What are the options?
View facebook invite.

Wed. Sep. 26
12:00 - 1:00 pm
223 W. Jackson St.
Chicago, IL
Do the Write Thing
BRI camelsUSD/Hagshama's annual conference for Jewish student writers and journalists of all types.

An amazing opportunity to hone your writing skills, meet and network with journalists from all over the country and abroad, explore issues of Israel and the media, and experience the GA in Nashville, Tennessee!  Sign up today at:

Only $99 covers the cost of the conference and flight reimbursements are available.  Questions? Talk to Miriam at Hagshama:, 847-674-8865.
What is your Money Personality?
BRI camelsManaging the differences and making cents!

Come to find out what role $$$ play in your relationships? Are you spender or hoarder? How to practice skills on real -life issues in varying financial areas?

Free of charge. Free Refreshments. Gifts and surprises for ALL participants who attend all 3 sessions.

Wednesday, September 19 @ 6:30 PM
Wednesday, September 26 @ 6:30 PM
Wednesday, October 3 @ 6:30 PM

255 Revere Dr, Suite 200
Northbrook, IL

Contact Maya Gumirov with any questions.

Lia Dolinsky
JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern
(312) 673-2357
Katya Shcherbakov
JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern
(312) 673-2385

Misha Zilbermint
Program Director
(312) 673- 2359

Hillels Around Chicago

Yom Kippur/Sukkot and other events


On behalf of Hillel at Loyola, we would like to wish you an easy Yom Kippur fast.  We are repeating below the options for Yom Kippur services in the area.  Also, we have received 2 adult tickets for services at Anshe Emet Synagogue in Lakeview.  Anshe Emet is a conservative synagogue where many 21-35 year-olds attend.  The tickets are marked and on Patti Ray's desk in the Hillel office, if anyone would like them.

Please remember that if you are in the campus area - Hillel will be hosting a "lox and bagels" Break-the-Fast on this Saturday night, September 22 - 7:45 PM - in Hillel, Mundelein Center #201.

Information about Yom Kippur services is followed by Hillel's schedule for Sukkot.  There are many activities around the holiday of Sukkot, because having a visible sukkah on our campus creates an important opportunity to introduce the holiday to both the Jewish and non-Jewish members of our community.

The sukkah was built Thursday in what is a "Loyola first."  The university's Facilities Department helped construct our sukkah. We are very pleased that our sukkah has made it into the ranks of a university project!  The sukkah is on the south side of Mundelein Center, right on the Sheridan Road Curve.

The holiday of Sukkot begins Wednesday night, September 26, and next Monday and Tuesday, September 24 and 25 we will be decorating our sukkah.  We invite everyone on the listserve to stop by and help hang a decoration!  Please bring your friends to join in.

And one, "non-High Holiday" reminder.  If any of you are interested in attending the 2-part off-campus "Cafe Hillel" discussions about the meaning of Israel in our lives (this Tuesday, September 25 and Tuesday, October 30 - 7-8:30 PM) - please email Amy Galanter at  A message about this was sent to the listserve last week.



Emanuel is 3 blocks south of Sullivan Center at 5959 N. Sheridan Road.
Friday evening at 8 PM, Saturday morning at 10:30 AM.
When you arrive at the synagogue, go to the "Will Call" Table, and there are tickets set aside for Loyola students.
Students that would like to go together to Emanuel for Kol Nidre, the Friday evening service, meet at Hillel - 201 Mundelein Center - at 7:15 PM.


Reform Services - Friday evening at 8 PM, Saturday morning at 10 AM
Reform Services are held at Pick-Steiger Concert Hall

Conservative Services - Friday evening at 6:30 PM, Saturday morning at 9:00 AM
Conservative Services are held at the Norris Center Student Union in the Louis Room

Orthodox Services - Friday evening at 6:30 PM, Saturday morning at 9:00 AM
Orthodox Services are held at the Northwestern Fiedler Hillel - 629 Foster Street, Evanston, IL

To get to Northwestern Hillel services, take the Purple Line to Foster, walk directly East to the Arts Campus.  Pick-Steiger Hall and Norris Center are next to each other on the Arts Campus, which is located on the Lake.


DePaul Hillel conducts services in the DePaul Student Center - 2250 N. Sheffield Ave., Chicago, IL 60606 - Room 120 A&B

Friday evening, September 21 - 7:30 PM; Saturday morning, September 22 - 9:30 AM

You can take the Red Line to Fullerton and walk one block south on Sheffield to the Student Center, on the corner of Sheffield and Belden.  Or you can drive and park in the Dominick's lot on the corner of Fullerton and Sheffield.

For those of you whose parents are here for Parents Weekend, DePaul welcomes you and your parents to Yom Kippur Services at DePaul.


Mitziut is a Jewish spiritual community that is not associated with a particular denomination of Judaism.  They meet at 1545 W. Morse Ave. in the 3rd Floor Auditorium.  Mitziut can be reached by taking the Red Line to Morse and walking about 2 blocks west, or you can walk from campus.

If you are interested in attending Mitziut, Katie Vogel and Steve Kaplan will be meeting students at 6 PM in Hillel to walk to services.

Friday, September 21 - 6:30 PM; Saturday, September 22 - 10:00 AM


Monday & Tuesday, September 24 & 25 - Help decorate the Hillel sukkah located on the south side of Mundelein.  There will be apple cider and donuts on hand to help with the decorating.

Wednesday, September 26 - "SUBS IN THE SUKKAH!" - 6 PM - Hillel Sukkah
This year is the first time Hillel is hosting a Yom Tov dinner on the first night of sukkot.  It will be a delicious, kosher sub sandwich dinner!

Friday, September 28 - "SHABBAT UNDER THE STARS" - 6 PM - Hillel Sukkah
A "more or less" traditional Shabbat dinner - actually it is a soup and deli sandwich Shabbat!  Because the first days of Sukkot run right into Shabbat, a kosher caterer cannot deliver food just for Shabbat.  So - we are having a kosher deli tray, kugel and great chicken soup!  If the weather is our friend - it should be a great Shabbat under the stars...

Saturday night, September 29 - "HAVDALLAH UNDER THE STARS" - 6 PM - Hillel Sukkah
Mitzuit Congregation is hosting this evening in the Hillel Sukkah.

6:00 pm -  Rabbi Menachem Cohen of Mitzuit Congregation will be a lead us in a Third Meal Teaching.  The Third Meal, Seudat Shlishit, is the final meal of Shabbat.

7:30 pm -   Havdallah, the ceremony that ends Shabbat,  will be followed by the Shiviti Drum Circle, a participatory
spiritual drumming experience.

Monday, October 1 - Hillel Sukkah

11:30 AM - "PIZZA IN THE HUT" - Rabbi Zev Drutman will explain the traditions and rituals of the holiday of Sukkot.  And, we will serve pizza in the sukkah for lunch.

2:30 PM - "BABUSHKAS VISIT THE SUKKAH" - The Devon Sheridan Residence houses many Russian Jewish senior citizens.  In what has become a Hillel tradition, we invite these residents to the Hillel sukkah as guests for tea and traditional Russian sweets.  You do not have to be Russian to join in this wonderful volunteer program.

Tuesday, October 2 - Hillel Sukkah

Noon-4 PM - "HILLEL AT LOYOLA SUKKAH OPEN HOUSE" - Our yearly invitation to the campus at large to visit our sukkah and enjoy some apple cider and brownies.

7-10 PM - "HOOKAH IN THE SUKKAH!!"  - What has become one of Hillel's biggest parties.  We turn the sukkah into a Mideastern hookah bar with Mideastern music, and we feast on delicious kosher BBQ food.

We hope you take advantage of the opportunity of having a Sukkah on our campus to join us throughout the week of Sukkot!
If the weather is inclement on any of the days, our programs will be moved upstairs to Hillel - 201 Mundelein Center.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ace of Cakes, Worldly Expansions and more!

Hillel Campus Report.
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life September 20, 2007
Hillel Directors in the former Soviet Union. Hillel Moves on Campus in FSU
The hip-hop music was the same, as were the Israeli flags, the "boker tov" wake-up call and the close-knit, friendly atmosphere born of years spent together in Jewish summer camps.

But a recent Hillel leadership conference in this northern suburb of St. Petersburg differed from similar gatherings in North America in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

(PHOTO: Hillel Directors from the former Soviet Union. )

• Former Soviet Union
Editor's Column
Duff Goldman
Amanda Bynes
Rosh Hashanah with Hillel
Hillels in Israel
Taglit-birthright israel
Engagement Institute
Help Hillel Start the Year
Taglit-birthright israel Sweepstakes
Summit 2008
Israel Climate on Campus
Yom Kippur

Coach Hillel

I've played many games.  Board games, word games, video games, etc.  But the game I love to play the most is Jewish Geography.  Jewish Geography is a game that is played with the purpose of seeing how many people two or more Jews, usually meeting for the first time, know in common. 

Individuals who are unfamiliar with Jewish Geography are often bemused by this game and how easy it is for connections to be made.  Of course, given the relative smallness of the Jewish community, it should not be much of a surprise.

When it comes to this game, Hillel could almost be considered a coach or trainer.  Between the continuing expansion of Hillel in the former Soviet Union, campus-based, the opening of three new Hillel centers in Israel, national and specialty Taglit-birthright israel trips, High Holy Day services, community dinners and more, Hillel is helping Jewish students all over the world build their networks and become "champions" of Jewish Geography.

Go team!

Aviva Perlman
Acting Editor, Hillel Campus Report

Duff Goldman, otherwise known as the Ace of Cakes. Duff Goldman: On the Sweet Fringe
Duff Goldman, otherwise know as the Food Network's Ace of Cakes, is the owner of Charm City Cakes, a Baltimore-based bakery where he creates out-of-the-ordinary, extreme cakes in unconventional ways.

Amanda Bynes: All Grown Up
Amanda Bynes is an actress who has literally grown up in front of the camera with her own TV show on Nickelodeon. She is currently making the transition to more mature roles in film and television.

Students Mark the New Year With Hillel
Last week, thousands of Jewish students worldwide celebrated Rosh Hashanah with their campus Hillels.  See how some of these Hillels brought in the Jewish New Year.

Hillel to Open Three New Centers in Israel

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life will make its first foray into Israel's growing regional college system with the opening of three new centers.

Registration and Sweepstakes Open for Taglit-birthright israel: Hillel trips
Registration for Winter and Spring 2008 trips is now open at! To accompany registration, we're excited to announce our online "Wii Rock Israel!" Sweepstakes. Students who register for a Hillel trip or tell their friends to register are automatically entered to win an iTunes gift card or a Nintendo Wii game console. See for details.

We're thrilled to once again be offering national trips for both the January and March cycles! Students can spend spring break on the beaches of Eilat with old and new friends from campuses across the country. Just remind your students to select the national trip option when registering at .

Hillel Interns and JCSCs Get In Gear at Engagement Institute
Over 200 Hillel interns and young professionals gathered at Camp Ramah Darom in Clayton, Georgia, last month for Hillel's first Engagement Institute.

Help Hillel Start the Year Off Right
Hillel is about half way towards its High Holiday campaign goal of $30,000.  You can make a gift to support local Hillel activities or to support Hillel's national and international programs.  You can also make a gift by sending a tribute card in honor or memory of someone.  Remember, the campaign ends with Yom Kippur – so get your gift in before the books close.

Save the Date for The University and Jewish Community: Summit 2008
The 2008 Summit will bring together renowned leaders and thinkers in academia, journalism, philanthropy and the Jewish community to explore the role of the university in developing leaders and imagining a more civil society.

Co-chaired by Tufts University President Lawrence S. Bacow, David M. Cohen of New York City and Bea Mandel of Los Angeles, the summit will take place from March 24-26, 2008 at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D.C. For more information please visit or e-mail

Newsbites:  What's Been Happening at Hillel this Month
Kosher dining goes mainstream at the University of Wisconsin-Madison ...Rutgers University Hillel welcomes first-year students...The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Hillel celebrates the first day of school...Hillel at the University of Central Florida throws a bar mitzvah party.

College 101: You Can Shape the Israel Climate on Campus
With anti-Israel activity continuing to take place on college campuses everywhere, the Israel on Campus Coalition provides tips on how students can empower themselves to have significant affect on the the Israel climate on their campuses.

Learn Something Jewish: Yom Kippur
While we buy back-to-school supplies and enjoy cooler weather, we also take stock in ourselves and the paths we're on. 

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