Monday, September 24, 2007

Hillel Updates and a job opportunity


Tomorrow night, Tuesday, September 25 from 7-8:30 PM at Alana
Kinarsky's apartment, there will be the first session of the two-part
Cafe Hillel.  Students will discuss the meaning of homeland in all its
variations.  There will be great food for the discussion.  Plese email
Amy Galanter at for Alana's address.  Also email Amy if
you are coming.  There are two aritcles to read that you can pick up on
the counter in HIllel.

The sukkah is up and decorated.  Much thanks go to those who helped get
it up and made it look beautiful!  The schedule for holiday meals  this
week is below.  After that is a new job opportunity.

Before we remind you about the Sukkot schedule, we want to give an
explanation of Sukkot. A sukkah is a booth-like structure commemorating
the dwellings the Israelites lived in during their wanderings in the
desert.  Coming in the Fall at the time of harvest, the holiday also has
a God-man-nature component.  The holiday is called "Sukkot" ( the plural
of the word, booth) and in English is called the Feast of Booths.

Wednesday, September 26 - "SUBS IN THE SUKKAH!" - 6 PM - Hillel Sukkah
- Mundelein South Lawn
This year is the first time Hillel is hosting a Yom Tov dinner on the
first night of sukkot.  It will be a delicious, kosher sub sandwich and
popcorn chicken dinner!

Friday, September 28 - "SHABBAT UNDER THE STARS" - 6 PM - Hillel Sukkah
- Mundelein South Lawn
A "more or less" traditional Shabbat dinner - actually it is a soup and
deli sandwich Shabbat!  Because the first days of Sukkot run right into
Shabbat, a kosher caterer cannot deliver food just for Shabbat.  So - we
are having a kosher deli tray, kugel and great chicken soup!  If the
weather is our friend - it should be a great Shabbat under the stars...

Saturday night, September 29 - "HAVDALLAH UNDER THE STARS" - 6 PM -
Hillel Sukkah
Mitzuit Congregation is hosting this evening in the Hillel Sukkah.

6:00 pm -  Rabbi Menachem Cohen of Mitzuit Congregation will be a lead
us in a Third Meal Teaching.  The Third Meal, Seudat Shlishit, is the
final meal of Shabbat.

7:30 pm -   Havdallah, the ceremony that ends Shabbat,  will be
followed by the Shiviti Drum Circle, a participatory spiritual drumming


Attention entrepreneurs,

This message is regarding a new business opportunity for current Loyola
University students. My name is Yan Pesotskiy and I am a sophomore here
at Loyola. I am starting an organic food distribution company that would
deliver organic fruit to a pick-up location on campus and to students'
dorm rooms. This business project, called Mission Three, was originally
created in a classroom by a group of Georgetown University students.
However, after winning a prestigious international award in Panama
competing against 800 contestants from different countries, the creators
decided to actually launch the business in Georgetown University.
Mission Three team made over $10,000 in revenue in the first 2 weeks of
operation. The start-up was so successful that now they are looking to
expand to other campuses all over the country including Loyola. I am in
charge of expansion to Loyola. Because I am a busy college student I
won't be able to pull this off on my own. I need a partner/partners
with whom I will launch this venture. If you want to learn more details
give me a call, drop an email, or visit our official website at

Thank you,

Yan Pesotskiy
Partner Mission Three
Loyola Branch
Cell: (773) 447-1863


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