Sunday, September 23, 2007

Yom Kippur/Sukkot and other events


On behalf of Hillel at Loyola, we would like to wish you an easy Yom Kippur fast.  We are repeating below the options for Yom Kippur services in the area.  Also, we have received 2 adult tickets for services at Anshe Emet Synagogue in Lakeview.  Anshe Emet is a conservative synagogue where many 21-35 year-olds attend.  The tickets are marked and on Patti Ray's desk in the Hillel office, if anyone would like them.

Please remember that if you are in the campus area - Hillel will be hosting a "lox and bagels" Break-the-Fast on this Saturday night, September 22 - 7:45 PM - in Hillel, Mundelein Center #201.

Information about Yom Kippur services is followed by Hillel's schedule for Sukkot.  There are many activities around the holiday of Sukkot, because having a visible sukkah on our campus creates an important opportunity to introduce the holiday to both the Jewish and non-Jewish members of our community.

The sukkah was built Thursday in what is a "Loyola first."  The university's Facilities Department helped construct our sukkah. We are very pleased that our sukkah has made it into the ranks of a university project!  The sukkah is on the south side of Mundelein Center, right on the Sheridan Road Curve.

The holiday of Sukkot begins Wednesday night, September 26, and next Monday and Tuesday, September 24 and 25 we will be decorating our sukkah.  We invite everyone on the listserve to stop by and help hang a decoration!  Please bring your friends to join in.

And one, "non-High Holiday" reminder.  If any of you are interested in attending the 2-part off-campus "Cafe Hillel" discussions about the meaning of Israel in our lives (this Tuesday, September 25 and Tuesday, October 30 - 7-8:30 PM) - please email Amy Galanter at  A message about this was sent to the listserve last week.



Emanuel is 3 blocks south of Sullivan Center at 5959 N. Sheridan Road.
Friday evening at 8 PM, Saturday morning at 10:30 AM.
When you arrive at the synagogue, go to the "Will Call" Table, and there are tickets set aside for Loyola students.
Students that would like to go together to Emanuel for Kol Nidre, the Friday evening service, meet at Hillel - 201 Mundelein Center - at 7:15 PM.


Reform Services - Friday evening at 8 PM, Saturday morning at 10 AM
Reform Services are held at Pick-Steiger Concert Hall

Conservative Services - Friday evening at 6:30 PM, Saturday morning at 9:00 AM
Conservative Services are held at the Norris Center Student Union in the Louis Room

Orthodox Services - Friday evening at 6:30 PM, Saturday morning at 9:00 AM
Orthodox Services are held at the Northwestern Fiedler Hillel - 629 Foster Street, Evanston, IL

To get to Northwestern Hillel services, take the Purple Line to Foster, walk directly East to the Arts Campus.  Pick-Steiger Hall and Norris Center are next to each other on the Arts Campus, which is located on the Lake.


DePaul Hillel conducts services in the DePaul Student Center - 2250 N. Sheffield Ave., Chicago, IL 60606 - Room 120 A&B

Friday evening, September 21 - 7:30 PM; Saturday morning, September 22 - 9:30 AM

You can take the Red Line to Fullerton and walk one block south on Sheffield to the Student Center, on the corner of Sheffield and Belden.  Or you can drive and park in the Dominick's lot on the corner of Fullerton and Sheffield.

For those of you whose parents are here for Parents Weekend, DePaul welcomes you and your parents to Yom Kippur Services at DePaul.


Mitziut is a Jewish spiritual community that is not associated with a particular denomination of Judaism.  They meet at 1545 W. Morse Ave. in the 3rd Floor Auditorium.  Mitziut can be reached by taking the Red Line to Morse and walking about 2 blocks west, or you can walk from campus.

If you are interested in attending Mitziut, Katie Vogel and Steve Kaplan will be meeting students at 6 PM in Hillel to walk to services.

Friday, September 21 - 6:30 PM; Saturday, September 22 - 10:00 AM


Monday & Tuesday, September 24 & 25 - Help decorate the Hillel sukkah located on the south side of Mundelein.  There will be apple cider and donuts on hand to help with the decorating.

Wednesday, September 26 - "SUBS IN THE SUKKAH!" - 6 PM - Hillel Sukkah
This year is the first time Hillel is hosting a Yom Tov dinner on the first night of sukkot.  It will be a delicious, kosher sub sandwich dinner!

Friday, September 28 - "SHABBAT UNDER THE STARS" - 6 PM - Hillel Sukkah
A "more or less" traditional Shabbat dinner - actually it is a soup and deli sandwich Shabbat!  Because the first days of Sukkot run right into Shabbat, a kosher caterer cannot deliver food just for Shabbat.  So - we are having a kosher deli tray, kugel and great chicken soup!  If the weather is our friend - it should be a great Shabbat under the stars...

Saturday night, September 29 - "HAVDALLAH UNDER THE STARS" - 6 PM - Hillel Sukkah
Mitzuit Congregation is hosting this evening in the Hillel Sukkah.

6:00 pm -  Rabbi Menachem Cohen of Mitzuit Congregation will be a lead us in a Third Meal Teaching.  The Third Meal, Seudat Shlishit, is the final meal of Shabbat.

7:30 pm -   Havdallah, the ceremony that ends Shabbat,  will be followed by the Shiviti Drum Circle, a participatory
spiritual drumming experience.

Monday, October 1 - Hillel Sukkah

11:30 AM - "PIZZA IN THE HUT" - Rabbi Zev Drutman will explain the traditions and rituals of the holiday of Sukkot.  And, we will serve pizza in the sukkah for lunch.

2:30 PM - "BABUSHKAS VISIT THE SUKKAH" - The Devon Sheridan Residence houses many Russian Jewish senior citizens.  In what has become a Hillel tradition, we invite these residents to the Hillel sukkah as guests for tea and traditional Russian sweets.  You do not have to be Russian to join in this wonderful volunteer program.

Tuesday, October 2 - Hillel Sukkah

Noon-4 PM - "HILLEL AT LOYOLA SUKKAH OPEN HOUSE" - Our yearly invitation to the campus at large to visit our sukkah and enjoy some apple cider and brownies.

7-10 PM - "HOOKAH IN THE SUKKAH!!"  - What has become one of Hillel's biggest parties.  We turn the sukkah into a Mideastern hookah bar with Mideastern music, and we feast on delicious kosher BBQ food.

We hope you take advantage of the opportunity of having a Sukkah on our campus to join us throughout the week of Sukkot!
If the weather is inclement on any of the days, our programs will be moved upstairs to Hillel - 201 Mundelein Center.

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