Monday, September 24, 2007

The Books Haven't Closed Yet

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.  
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

Only $6,042 more to go!

Dear Students,

On behalf of Hillel, I hope you had a meaningful Yom Kippur – and that you have a happy and healthy new year.

I would like to thank the hundreds of supporters who made a High Holiday gift to Hillel – to our local Foundations and to Hillel's national and international programs.  Thanks to you, we are very close to raising our High Holiday goal of $30,000 online.

If you have not yet had a chance to make a donation – it is not too late! 

Make your gift to support Jewish life on a local campus.
Make your gift to support the work Hillel is doing across the country and around the world.
As our tradition teaches – while the judgment for the year is sealed on Yom Kippur, the books still remain open through the holiday of Succot.  There is still time for tzedaka.

Hillel is planning for an exciting year, which will help tens of thousands of students make an enduring commitment to Jewish life.  Your gift can make a real difference.

You can also make a gift in honor or in memory of someone by  clicking here.

Thank you in advance.  And again – best wishes for a great and fulfilling new year. 

Keith Krivitzky
PS – If our wires are crossed and you have already made your High Holiday gift to a Hillel locally or nationally – thank you so much. | Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life | Donate
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