Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fondue Party!

Upcoming Events
Sep 21, 2007
This Week
Save the Date
Free Trip to Israel
Fun-Jew Fondue Party
Lunch in the Loop
Do the Write Thing
Money Workshop
Join Our Mailing List!
Links of the Week

G'mar Hatima Tova -
We hope all of you have a good Yom Kippur, and good fortune in the new year.

*** Registration for the Winter Taglit-birthright FREE trip to Israel is now open until Oct 15!! ***

Recruite some new members for Russian Hillel and meet some new people by coming and bringing friends to the Fondue Party! We're getting everyone together and welcoming new members to Russian Hillel over some great dessert, so spread the word :)

Lunch in the Loop is back! Come meet up with some friends for lunch and learn about the current issues in Israel.

Lia, Katya, Misha
Save the Date
Lunch in the Loop - Wed. Sep 26

Birthright Winter Registration Deadline - Oct 15!!

Skate With Israel
- Sat. Jan 19

Russian Shabbaton
- Feb. 22-24
Free trip to Israel
BRI camelsRegistration is now open for the Winter Taglit- birthright trip to Israel. Deadline is Oct 15, so sign up now!
*(when registering please put that you were reffered by Lia)*

Taglit-birthright israel is a FREE 10-day experience of a lifetime. If you are Jewish, 18-26 years old, and have never been on an organized peer program before - let your journey begin!

With Shorashim you experience the awesome adventure of Israel through the eyes and hearts of Israeli peers. Shorashim is the only Taglit-birthright israel program where all groups travel for 10-days with Israeli friends. Leave the tour bus behind; experience Israel the Israeli way!

Fun-Jew Fondue Party!
BRI camels Want to meet new people over some great desserts?

Russian Hillel is hosting Fun-Jew Fondue party at Ethel's Chocolate Lounge. For those of you who have never been there, they have the best sweets anywhere in the city, so come out and have fun socializing and meeting new people.

We primarily want to see all the incoming college freshman come out to meet and create new friends.

Cost is $5 for College Freshman, all others $10. Please be prepared to bring a school ID!!!

We hope to see you all there, as we renting the entire place just for Russian Hillel!!!

Sun. Sep. 23, 7:30-9:30pm
Ethel's Chocolate Lounge
527 Davis St.
Evanston, IL
Lunch in the Loop
BRI camelsJoin us for lunch, learn about Sukkot and talk current events in Israel
Sukkot is coming up, and Miriam will be back to talk about the holiday and how it relates to some current issues:
Sukkot is all about shelter, as is Israel- a shelter for the Jews, before and after the Holocaust until today.  So what is Israel's responsibility with regards to refugees from Darfur fleeing into Israel to escape genocide?  Should they accept them?  Many of the refugees have wound up in Israeli jails- is this ethical?  What are the options?
View facebook invite.

Wed. Sep. 26
12:00 - 1:00 pm
223 W. Jackson St.
Chicago, IL
Do the Write Thing
BRI camelsUSD/Hagshama's annual conference for Jewish student writers and journalists of all types.

An amazing opportunity to hone your writing skills, meet and network with journalists from all over the country and abroad, explore issues of Israel and the media, and experience the GA in Nashville, Tennessee!  Sign up today at:

Only $99 covers the cost of the conference and flight reimbursements are available.  Questions? Talk to Miriam at Hagshama:, 847-674-8865.
What is your Money Personality?
BRI camelsManaging the differences and making cents!

Come to find out what role $$$ play in your relationships? Are you spender or hoarder? How to practice skills on real -life issues in varying financial areas?

Free of charge. Free Refreshments. Gifts and surprises for ALL participants who attend all 3 sessions.

Wednesday, September 19 @ 6:30 PM
Wednesday, September 26 @ 6:30 PM
Wednesday, October 3 @ 6:30 PM

255 Revere Dr, Suite 200
Northbrook, IL

Contact Maya Gumirov with any questions.

Lia Dolinsky
JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern
(312) 673-2357
Katya Shcherbakov
JCRC/Hillel Russian Israel Intern
(312) 673-2385

Misha Zilbermint
Program Director
(312) 673- 2359

Hillels Around Chicago

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