Tuesday, September 18, 2007

KOACH Taglit-birthright israel Registration OPEN NOW!


KOACH College Outreach
is a project of
The United Synagogue
of Conservative Judaism

KOACH Taglit-birthright israel Registration

Your free (first) trip to Israel! Join KOACH next winter for the journey of a lifetime. If you are Jewish, 18-26, have never been to Israel on a peer experience of more than three days, this is the trip for you! Want to know more? Click here for details on past adventures. Need to know more? Email us at koachbirthright@uscj.org today!

Taglit-birthright israel is an incredible worldwide program that will send thousands of students to Israel, at virtually no cost. The program exists thanks to the philanthropy of many generous individuals and the government of the State of Israel.

Sample Itinerary | FAQs | Alumni Testimonials | Photos

Free trip to Israel! Don't miss out! Time is running out! Do it now!

Manage Your Subscription

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!