Monday, September 17, 2007

To the Board


Once again we are embarking on another very busy week.

First - a huge Thank You to, first of all, Katie and Steve, for organizing the Rosh HaShanah - almost standing room only - dinner - and to Carrie, who has returned to help her Hillel in times of need - and, in particular, from the Board - Esther, Caitlin, Julia and Lindsey ( I hope I did not leave anyone out...).  I heard the dinner was just amazing.

Next - This morning - for those of you who read emails really early - Jennie Lev is going to be at Hillel at 9 AM for the weekly women's Tehillim group to say prayers on behalf of those who are ill.  If you can come, that would be great.  If you cannot, but have names that you want to add to the list, it is posted on the wall in the kitchen.  Guys can add names to the list as well.

Next - Today is mezzuzah stuff - our first Mitzvah of the Month.  Tomorrow is our first Latin Jewish movie for Latino Heritage Month.  Wednesday is our first Bagel Sale.  We are expecting the Board to sign up to work this.  We have not decided what organization to give the money to.  Any ideas?  Please let Esther or Jenny Bekker know.  Wednesday night at 6 PM in Simpson is the annual Turkish Intercultural Club's Iftar Night.  They annually sponsor a break-the-fast for Ramadan and many organizations are asked to offer words of support for peace, etc.  Hillel has been part of this since it began.  I am hoping Esther is going to be able to speak on behalf of Hillel.  If any of you can be there as well, it would be very good.  Thursday, for the first time ever - the university is putting up our sukkah.  (Jenny - this is saving Hillel $400!!).  We will be decorating it and putting on the greens, etc. on Monday and Tuesday.  We wanted it up before Yom Kippur, because we wanted to be able to decorate on Monday.

OK - that is this week.  Once Yom Kippur is over, we will be sending out on the listserve an email about our Jewish learning opportunities at Hillel as well as the Cafe Hillel program that Alana and Amy are going to be coordinating this semester.  This afternoon, Esther, Alyssa, Inna and Jenny and I will meet to try and find a time for a Board Meeting.

Happy New Year!  I will see you soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said... Jonny was here jivens patenting alistair nghe danforth buff brto nement ugandans