Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Beach Party!

I just wanted to let those of you who weren't able to make it to The Beach Party yesterday know that it was a HUGE success!  There were so many new faces and some faces we hadn't seen in a while!  From what I saw, not one person didn't enjoy themselves!  That said, I want to acknowledge some board members who went above and beyond the call of duty!

Danny Wasserman and Kaitlyn Kozlowsky cooked all the meat and recieved many a burn for their efforts!  The food was great, than you very much for your hard work!

Julia Bellow came well before the party and helped set everything up.  Your help was much appreciated Julia!

Thank you also to Danny and Scott for setting up the chairs and tables, everything looked very nice!

Lastly, big thank you to Laura Lerer for being the Social butterfly that she is, you really helped make the new members feel comfortable and right at home!

For those of you who don't know, the Apples and Honey Table will be set up in CFSU from 10-2:00 on Monday, so please stop by and help run it!  Also, if you have any free time, we could still use some people to deliver the Apples and Honey packets to departments!

Enjoy your weekend and Shabbat Shalom!


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