Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's that High Holiday time of year

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.  

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
Help Hillel start the year right - Give Today!

School has started.  Rosh Hashana and the High Holidays are upon us.  Please take this moment to support a local Hillel in the important work they do connecting Jewish students on campus.
Make a New Year's gift today. 

This year, more than 60,000 incoming students are arriving on campus, joining more than 250,000 of their peers.  With an estimated 85% of Jews going off to school, college has become the most universally shared Jewish experience - more common than even a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. 
This is a critical time when students grow into adults, making important life decisions about career, lifestyle and family.
Choose a school and help ensure these students also deepen their ties to the Jewish community!
Hillel is the largest Jewish campus organization in the world, with a presence on more than 500 college and university campuses around the world.  From providing High Holiday services to social events, engaging speakers to experiential programs in Israel and rebuilding the Gulf Coast, local Hillel Foundations, Program Centers and Affiliates are uniquely positioned to provide a home away from home for many Jewish students and to help them embrace their Jewish identity. 
This is really the last and best opportunity the Jewish community has to reach and connect these young adults!
Please help Hillel reach our goal of raising $30,000 online this holiday season.
Thank you for your support.
Keith Krivitzky
PS - If you have already made a gift through the mail or to a local Hillel, thank you.   Gifts made online today will go directly to the local Hillel you choose. | Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life | Donate
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