Sunday, September 09, 2007

Help With Apples and Honey Table


I hope you are having a good weekend.  First, I want to echo everything Esther said about the "Party on the Porch!"  It worked out great!  We may have begun a new tradition!  It was really quite an amazing Hillel happening!

Tomorrow is our "Apples and Honey Table," and Katie is unable to be there, because of her job.  Steve is going to help set up, but then he has to leave for classes.  Jennie is beginning her Women's Tehillim Group tomorrow at 9 AM.  This will meet on Mondays at 9 AM and is an opportunity to say prayers for those who are ill.  Jennie has already begun developing a list of names for whom the prayers will be said.  She has special books with the prayers in English as well as Hebrew.  There are only several such groups as this in Chicago, though this kind of women's prayer for those in need has become an international phenomena in the Jewish community.  This is for anyone to attend.

However, Jennie is also one of the Judaica Chairs - which means she will not be able to be in two places at one time - so she will not be able to help set up the "Apples and Honey Table" in CFSU.  Anyone that can be there tomorrow morning at 9:15 AM, just go to the CFSU Lobby.  Also, if you have any time throughout the day - please be at the table.

Finally - very few Board people have signed up for the Rosh HaShanah Dinner.  If you are able to come on Wednesday evening at 5 PM, please sign up in the Hillel office.

I am literally off to New York for my son's engagement party.

See you tomorrow.


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